On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 07:07  AM, Trei, Peter wrote:
> [1. Agreed, this thread has lost steam.
>  2. It always amazes me how often people on this list will handwave and
> speculate on subjects which a few minutes with Google will settle. Too
> often, we're like the medieval academics who debated endlessly over how
> many teeth a horse had, while refusing to go down to the stable to
> conduct an actual count. ]

I didn't handwave and speculate: I said that the detection and antenna 
problems are enormous. This is borne out by the FAQ you cited, but I 
didn't need that FAQ to confirm what the physics already tells us.

That FAQ does NOT support the claim that stacks of bills may be 
detected, even with a door-frame-size antenna.

--Tim May

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