On Sun, 24 Feb 2002, Aimee Farr wrote:

> I question how well we correlate strike, protest, subversive
> activity/agitation/propaganda, and sabotage/IW inferences these days --
> especially at home, due to domestic constraints. I would think that would
> keep a "war room" quite busy with inference scanning. With today's
> coordination, it's possible to see shadows of influence, instead of "just
> our imagination."

Considering the level of inside agents and provocateurs, not only for
this sort of stuff but tax evasion and monopolies; pretty damn good
I'd guess.

Or are you proposing that the FBI agent who provokes an illegal act is
also working for somebody besides the FBI? Not likely at the scale you
would suggest.

Or perhaps you mean that the people in the unions are being infiltraited
without the FBI knowing? I suspect that when they run the various
background checks they get a clue (assuming they did them and reviewed


              When I die, I would like to be born again as me.

                                            Hugh Hefner
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