"And to think some people think Timoth McVeigh was wrong in liquidating a military target."

Holy Crap May, I'm not quite sure how you meant this but I find this distrubing (and I agree with a lot of what you post)...by "Military Target" do you mean the building, or the people (and children) who were in it? Can people who do not know they are "military targets" count as military targets?

These aren't meant as rhetorical "I'm making a really good point" questions, but actual questions. Depending on your answer, I wonder how you feel about the WTC (along with a few thousand people) getting taken out by an American Airlines "Smart Missle".

Interested to hear your response. (And no, I don't think the answer is necessarily obvious by anyone who's "thinking correctly".)

Subject: Re: Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 12:13:55 -0800

On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 10:31  AM, Elyn Wollensky wrote:

Secret Court Says U.S. Has Broad Wiretap Powers
36 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A special, secretive appeals court on Monday said the
U.S. government has the right to use expanded powers to wiretap suspected
terrorism suspects under a law adopted by Congress after the Sept. 11, 2001,
Well, this is what you get with Star Chamber Government: not only are the actual specific _cases_ done with secret prosecutors, secret judges, secret panels, but the arguments over the underlying legal issues (which obviously cannot compromise a specific intelligence case and hence have no reason to be secret, even in Orwellian logic) are also secret.

One wonders about secret rulings which have never been made public. Perhaps the Supreme Court also meets in secret and issues secret rulings.

We have always been at war with Eastasia. Ignorance is strength.

And to think some people think Timoth McVeigh was wrong in liquidating a military target.

--Tim May

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