At 06:35 PM 12/18/02 +0200, Marcel Popescu wrote:
I'm just sad - as sad as when I found
>out that (former?) libertarian Vin Suprynowicz is all for nuking
>countries because they dared to do in the US what the US government has
>doing all over the world.

Yeah, the Objectivists (TM) seem to have been taken over by militant
zionist interventionists too.

>From the Lib/Obj point of view of "we're morally right" we should be
nuking any country
(Saudis, French, Mexicans, etc.) who don't have US BoR.

However these formerly-libertarian hawk-wannabees forget sovereignty.
And the sin
of initiation of force.

You can't smack someone on the street who censors their wife and you
don't like censorship.
You can't firebomb a religious school just because they teach things
that are evil to you.
And you can't fuck with other nations just because you want to, or
you're afraid of them,
or you have more weapons than them, and oceans on your borders.  Well
you can, but
you'll end up feeding the NYC rats some asbestos-dusted longpig.

Marcel, watch _Platoon_.   Paraphrasing Elias, "We've been kicking other
people's asses for so long, one day
its going to come back to us."   And this was decades ago.

I always wondered what it was like to be in Rome as it "fell".  Now I

"I love the smell of JP-4 in the morning.  It smells like jihad.."

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