On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 05:53:04PM -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
> Perhaps they are exercising their will over the facilities of
> production and distribution by CIA microwaves beamed into
> people's brains  :-)

    Given the general knownothing, lockstep mentality exhibited by the Bushites,
that may well be true. Or maybe it's something in the water. Or, probably more
likely, something in coca-cola, which is why Chavez just raided the coca-cola
bottling plant. 

> > Don't we all know that that CNN, et al, are going to do
> > everything possible to minimize an anti-corporate leader?
> No, we do not know that.  Recall "live from Baghdad". 

   ???? That's pretty irrelevant. So they "reported" their version of propaganda
from the war zone? CNN, especially since 9/11, is, along with Fox, considered to
be the most hawkish and pro-Dubbya of all the mega-corp agit/prop organizations.

> Recall
> Ted Turner's declaration that he is a socialist.

   Ted Turner is just another one of the NWO gang. Bush is also a socialist, as
was Adoph Hitler. Just because the National Socialist Workers Party feuded with
the International Socialists, or communists, didn't make it any less
socialist. Fascism is still socialist, corporate welfare is still socialism,
Dubbya, Klinton, and the Republicrats are all socialists of one strip or
    Note how deeply in bed Dubbya, Klinton, et al, are with the PRC. Note how
willing the mega-corp are to help the PRC increase surveillance capabilities of
their slaves.    

>  Radosh lists
> him as one of his fellow radicals.

  Radical? Most dictionaries define radical as someone who wants to return the
gov't back to it's roots, i.e., Constitutional Jeffersonian democracy. 

Harmon Seaver   

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