On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Anonymous wrote:

> Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > This is no excuse for use of unconventional warfare against the US nor does it
> > delegitimize the US's use of force to defend themselves.
> > 
>    What a crock of shit. I sure hope that Saddam kept enough sarin to bring
> an excrutiatingly horrible death to all 250,000 of those Nazi boys Dubbya
> sent over there, and then maybe those lunatics in DC will really go off the
> deep end and nuke Baghdad, sending the entire Muslim world into a total
> century long jihad against the US.  

Hey, shit for brains, those are our sons, brothers, (and some of our
braver sisters and daughters) that will be putting their lives in danger.  

They do not deserve such disrespect.  Aim it where it belongs: Shrub.

IMHO, we should go back to the pre-Alexander The Great way of waging war -
with the man in charge of the war at the very front of the front
lines.  Then, perhaps the poly-ticks would think twice about war for oil.

Our boys over there aren't the problem.  Hell, a lot of them don't want to
be there and know that this war is for oil and not for freedom.  Damn
straight they shouldn't be there - but that's no longer their choice.

Back in the days of the 1st deodorant war (Desert Shield, then Storm I
think it was called) a buddy of mine studpidly decided to join the army,
in training, the DI's used colorful language such as "Sand Niggers" and
worse to dehumanize the opponents - it's funny but he said that the
African American privates did not seem to take objection to the white
D.I.'s uttering such racist shit.  I wonder what they're being told these

> > By that reasoning, maximum freedom equals no government.  Let's disband the
> > police and military and see how long the US lasts.
> > 
>     Better anarchy than the present fascist police state. If we're lucky
> enough, the Muslim jihad will so damage the fedzis, that the rest of us
> will be able to pick off the rest of the pigs and feebs.

Damned straight anarchy is better than fascism.  Rule under a Taliban
religious extremism party, Communist dictatorship, or Fascist oil-hungry
state are all oppressive.  Freedom and oppression don't mix.

Don't go worshipping Al Qaeda now, dumbass, did you forget that these
terrorists are not on your side? - they killed thousands of innocents in
New York with little reson.

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