At 09:56 AM 4/1/03 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Here's a story about a kid who basically made a duct-tape and tin foil
>reactor. Or almost. If it's a hoax, its a pretty good one.

What he did was replicate some experiments from the
turn of the (last) century, using the Be (or Al, but Be
is better) + alpha -> neutron
reaction, then used the neutron flux to activate fissile
and fertile materials (as well as everything around him),
discovering n cross sections and moderation in the
process.  Chadwick to Fermi.

If you get quantitative, you can see that he obtained
an extraordinary amount of hot material to start with.
A millicurie of Am-241 (1000 smoke detectors),
and then the Ra in the paint.  Maybe an oz of paint,
you use maybe 1/1000 part Ra salt to 1000 parts ZnS,
that's about 28 millicuries of Ra.  Plus his little
metallic reduction efforts concentrated things nicely.

Marie Curie's lab notebooks are kept in lead boxes.

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