"Hundreds of reporters are embedded with the soldiers on the
ground.  This makes it impossible for the US government to lie

Well it's not like a reporter can just jump onto a tank and ride wherever its going. Those embedded reporters are pre-selected and then sent with the troops that won't be performing any torture.

And I haven't seen any reporters reproting from inside an AWAC, either.
In other words, they're kept away from the real information.

I will grant, however, that having any kind of "embedded" journalist likely changes the nature of the lies that can be told.


From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: COWed news networks not showing Baghdad market dead
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 22:08:12 -0800

James A. Donald:
> > Indeed, this "He said, she said" approach, which treats US
> > reports and Iraqi reports as equally credible, seems to me
> > like Baathist propaganda, like anti western bias.

Kevin S. Van Horn:
> Lying is as natural to governments as breathing is to normal,
> healthy people. What makes you think the band of thugs and
> cutthroats based in Washington, D.C. is any more truthful
> than the band of thugs and cutthroats based in Baghdad?

Totalitarians are different.

Democratic politicians cannot have everyone who might know the
truth shot.

Hundreds of reporters are embedded with the soldiers on the
ground.  This makes it impossible for the US government to lie

         James A. Donald

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