At 05:21 PM 10/31/04 -0800, John Young wrote:
>To state the obvious to Major Variola, CDC will have first
>indication of a devastating US attack, reported fragmentarily
>under its links to hospitals, clinics and physicians, against
>which the might military and law enforcement have no defenses.

You thought I meant bio plagues?!  Jeezus John, is your metaphorizer
broken?  Any
bio hazard is accidental, or Detrick, not Osama.  A *succession of
attacks against the Empire* is what I mean, alluding to the Jews
the Pharaoh, until he let them alone.    Pharoah=US, Moses=UBL,
Get your head around that one.

The infectious biological "attack" will be an accident of the modularity

and recombination of influenza on some chinese duck/pig/human
farm.  It will not be intentional but it will kill a lot before the
can be produced, which takes ca. 6 mos..  See 1918 pandemic,
and add jet airplanes.  A recent _Science_ article described
a model of this.  You are one or two days away from that duck/pig/human
incubator nowadays, no matter where you live.  That will happen,
but it won't be intentional.  The geopoli implications will be fun, but
UBL is not involved there.

A non-infectious biological attack (eg anthrax which isn't
infectious) is cheap, but not Al Q's preferred MO.  They go
for the special effects type attacks, simultaneous so you
know its them.  (Otherwise it could be a suicical egyptian,
a rudder jerked too hard, a screw-jack improperly lubricated,
the NTSC is very creative.)

Of course the Ft Detrick folks enjoy sending
the occasional sporulated letter to senators, but hey, their funding was

running out, you do what you gotta do.

A chem attack is pretty nifty, and in many ways easier than
fission or RDDs.  Since there are so many chems moving
around, and rad sources are so easy to detect, by virtue of the
energy of the emissions, and controlled/surveilled materials.

A tanker into a school is double the fun,
its been years since Columbine, and the underbelly is itching
for a scratch.  (Again, you need to pull off 2 the same day.)
I wonder if there is a school that enrolls only
first born sons, that would be interesting to read about in your mosaic
er netscape er IE browser, eh?   Since your allusion-detector is broken,

"mosaic", get it?

"Let my people go" and taking a beating only works if you have
wannabe-moral brits who want to divest anyway and your name is
Ghandi.  Otherwise the biblical plagues, aka asymmetric attack, approach
guaranteed to work in the limit.  All you need is enough popular
Its there.

It only took 200 dead marines and one bomb
to evict us from Lebanon, maybe 50K corpses for S. Nam, don't know about

N Korea, but do the math.   .mil are disposable, but they have families
whine and vote.  And the press is not *entirely* 0wn3d by the .gov, yet.

Again, the Mosaic approach of repeated asymmetric attacks on the Pharoah
is what Al Q
is up to.  Eventually the Pharoah/US gets fed up and says fuck it.
Maybe not this election, but eventually, and Al has time.  GW has only
4 more years, at best, and Rummy & Cheney are scheduled for a box in the
ground pretty
soon.  Wolfy has more time, but after a few more kilocorpses will lose
power with
Joe Sixpack and Joe's post-Bush "leader".

Operation Just Cause
Just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I have to ignore
Egyptian/Hebrew history.
Just because I live here doesn't mean I don't think the US deserves the
that any Empire deserves.  Just because I'm an American doesn't mean I
can't use
sophisticated allusions.  Just because I say Mosaic Plagues doesn't mean
talking about frogs & locusts.  Dig?

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