> At 03:52 PM 2/12/00 -0500, Matthew Gream wrote:
> I make the assertion that 10000 years ago, locks and ciphers were not needed
> because at that time, society was not sufficiently constructed to need them.

Um, actualy codes were used and probably much farther back than 10,000

Trailcraft marking is a critical skill of social primates. It's been
demonstrated that mountain gorilla's for example will leave false markers
that only one of their own would recognize. It is possible to determine
range and path for individual family groups using them.

Then there is the cave painting. Clearly a code for something (remember
they were possibly pre-lingual in some cases so thougth processes could be
very different - they didn't think like you or I). If you believe this is
a trivial issue go to your local bookstore/library and obtain a Native
American poetry book. Then try to explain the significance and meaning of
one of their chants without knowing what 'rain rain' signifies within the
context of their culture.

Then there was communications (i.e. beating the drums). Certainly
identical patterns of drum beats meant something different to each family
unit. And then there was times of war when it was important to change
often so that your enemy wouldn't be able to read them. How long do you
suppose man has been using smoke signals? We've been hauling fire around
longer than 10,000 probably.


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                                        O[rphan] D[rift>]
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