>[1] (If everyone used a well-known key to (insecurely) scramble the
>plaintext against casual viewing, most tools would automatically decrypt
>their content without their operators' explicit instruction.  If all email
>and news was rot-13, the tools would automatically unrot it.  If every car
>in a lot was
>keyed the same, you would not discover that you entered
>the wrong car until too late.  If you object that biometrics

        This happened to my Father once. Two identical rental cars 
parked side by side. He figured the one his key worked in was his.

        Turns out, for some reason his key worked in both, while the 
other fellows only worked in one.

        Result: Arrested for Grand Theft Auto. No charges filed tho'.
A quote from Petro's Archives:   **********************************************

If the courts started interpreting the Second Amendment the way they interpret
the First, we'd have a right to bear nuclear arms by now.--Ann Coulter

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