[Note from Matthew Gaylor:  It seems that the US House of 
Representatives, Republican leadership conference has established 
http://www.gop.gov/.  A misuse of the domain name system which gives 
the impression of official .gov sanction when the site is really just 
a politics as usual, partisan site. To be fair the Republicans claim 
that their site is in Beta and that it is an official site due to 
their Congressional status.  I find much of this idea rather 
offensive and unfair to Independents and third parties who will not 
be afforded the opportunity to hide partisanship under a mask of 
legitimacy.  Of special note is the use of a private ISP Capital Area 
Internet Service (CAIS-DOM) to host the site.  Is this to bypass the 
congressional system and if so why?]

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 18:10:41 -0700
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Farber), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Gaylor),
         State and Local Freedom of Information Issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Jim Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: fwd: www.gop.gov  ??!!!

I just received this from a friend.

>Did you see that the Republican Party has established the domain
>www.gop.gov?  I'm very surprised that a partisan group could have a .gov
>domain.  I was also very disturbed by the fact that I couldn't get into
>the site without accepting all the cookies that were being set.  Looks
>like a bad precedent to me on both counts.

1.  I wonder if this is really a Republican Party website -- as it's name
certainly implies?  The InterNIC Finger gives no listing for it.

[Note from Matt Gov't sites need to looked up on www.nic.gov]

2.  I completely agree with the writer:  Who the hell is granting dot-GOV
status to a @#$%^ political party?!

3.  And if they're going to give ".GOV" status to the Republicrats (and,
presumably, the Demopublicans), will they also give it to the Libbies, and
the Peace & Freedom ... and the Flat Earth Party, and the 4th Reich, et
al?!  Maybe this is the first step to making dog-GOV meaningless as a
top-level domain.

4.  When I attempted to go to it's home-page, I too, found that it tried to
set two cookies -- which I refused.  Then it promptly died saying, "No
Cookie! To access this site your browser must be accepting cookies."

5.  Pretty damned arrogant no matter who's running it -- but especially if
it really is the Repub Party.  (The Party of the People?  Apparently not
unless the People let the Party set tracking/surveillance cookies ... and
gawd knows what else!)

--jim, Jim Warren; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Contributing Editor & technology public-policy columnist, MicroTimes Magazine
Also GovAccess list-owner/editor; 345 Swett Rd, Woodside CA 94062
   voice/650-851-7075; fax-for-the-quaint/650-851-2814

[self-inflating puff: Hugh Hefner First-Amendment Award, Playboy Foundation;
Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award (in its first year);
James Madison Freedom-of-Information Award, Soc.of Prof.Journalists-Nor.Calif
founded InfoWorld; the Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conferences; etc etc etc.]


From: Jim Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      Re: fwd: www.gop.gov  ??!!!

Ahah!  The plot thickens.

On the one hand, www.gop.gov -- by its dot-GOV domain-name -- pretends to
be an official government site.  And from what those who've accepted its
cookies say, it *says* it's an official site of an official caucus within
the official House of the official Congress.

However ... curiously, it appears that -- in spite of it's dot-GOV name --
it's being run as a private operation through a private ISP, and definitely
*not* through any official congressional system!  See the following, that
just came in from a net-geek friend.


>A "WHOIS" on gop.gov didn't turn up anything at networksolutions
>but I did find that the domain is hosted at Capital Area Internet
>Service in McLean...
>Capital Area Internet Service (CAIS-DOM)
>    6861 Elm Street, Third Floor
>    McLean, VA 22101
>    US
>    Domain Name: CAIS.COM
>    Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
>       Network Operations Center  (CAIS-NOC)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       CAIS Internet
>       1255 22nd Street
>       Washington, DC 20037
>       US
>       (202) 715-1300 -- NOC (703) 448-2091 Fax- - (703) 790-8805
>    Billing Contact:
>       Billing Office  (BO-ORG)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       CAIS Internet
>       6861 Elm Street, Third Floor
>       McLean, VA 22101
>       US

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