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>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 19:00:38 +1200
>Subject: The Criminal Gun Threat

This is an interesting story. Please remember that these are not people talking here but politicians.
I've added some comments below ... now stand back and watch as the law abiding gun owners are stripped of their dangerous guns and the kind "Take Over The People Government" army (the New Zealand Police) take ALL guns and keep them SAFE for ALL you gun owners.... there will be no more guns out in the public ... only the nice government will have them. .... LET'S MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE GANGS NOW!
From what I can see you have a choice ... the "Government Gangs" ... they're not there when you want them but out there to take your cars off you then make your life a living hell, and .... or the "Native People Gangs" whom personally I have had no problem with and at least you can communicate with in plain every day English.

Note the use of "fire arms" instead of "arms" again.... as I said before there is a difference... "arms" = defence .... firearms = mans sporting toy or attack weapon.
If you want proof go have a look in the Defence Act. at arms and then the "public" Arms Act. see the difference....

The Criminal Gun Threat - The weekend's crash and carry robbery
of a professionally constructed fire arm strong room, is dramatic
evidence of the contempt New Zealand criminals hold for the law, said
ACT justice spokesman Stephen Franks. See... Crash and carry gun
theft shows criminals contempt. Criminal gangs are targeting licensed
firearms collectors in the Wellington region with up to two hundred
handguns stolen this year, the New Zealand First Law and Order
spokesperson, Ron Mark, revealed today. See... Gangsters Steal
Collectors' Handguns "To Order" both in the Parliament wire.

Crash and carry gun theft shows criminals contempt
Press Release: ACT New Zealand

The weekend s crash and carry robbery of a professionally
constructed fire arm strong room, is dramatic evidence of the contempt
New Zealand criminals hold for the law, said ACT justice spokesman
Stephen Franks.

Most of the firearms stolen were being gathered for sale at an auction.
All the victims were licenced gunowners, with one owner holding a
firearm dealers licence.

Such raids show criminals see their chances of being caught,
convicted and given a decent sentence are laughable. (If this is the case it's only because the police are out catching all these unlicensed killers in cars.... [comment added])

The security precautions were extensive. The police were expressly
aware of the situation and apparently held keys for access while the
owners were absent.

Nevertheless the criminals seem to have heard of the collection. They
exercised extreme force to break into the safe.

This incident is typical of armoury thefts. While they remain unafraid of
the law criminals will continue to supply themselves with firearms
irrespective of any licensing or registration systems with which the law
abiding comply. (excuse me... where the hell is this politician living? [comment added])

These crimes highlight the need to restore respect for lawful authority
with punishments that will ensure crime does not pay. (here we go.. [comment added])

The Governments proposed gun registration measures are a farce.
They will achieve nothing more than to set ordinary law abiding citizens
against the police and other authorities. (whoops ... don't tell me they've tweaked ... anyway it's too late for that the digitised licence farce was enough for me [comment added])

Laws that do not target offenders simply play into the hands of criminals, said Stephen Franks.
this statement means that should you have a gun that the government don't know about you are about to get hit. He's not talking about the gangs here because the government want the gangs to have firearms.... it's the public gun owners he's referring to.

Now the interesting news item...

Gangsters Steal Collectors Handguns To Order
Press Release: New Zealand First Party

Criminal gangs are targeting licensed firearms collectors in the
Wellington region with up to two hundred handguns stolen this year,
the New Zealand First Law and Order spokesperson, Ron Mark,
revealed today.
(I'm tempted to say something here... well at least there not in the hands of the police [comment added and yes I know I'll get it in the ear for that ... but if those people would open their eyes they would at least see past the nose ... and remember it's them who turned you all into "criminals" with the driver licence issue])

Mr Mark said he is greatly concerned that gang members are getting
access to information about licensed gun collections that should only be
available to the Police. (what he means here is that the data base of the police and LTSA is open for the gang members to view)

He said that the handguns being stolen are those collected by licensed
hobbyists or those stored in strong rooms on behalf of Police approved
pistol target shooters who belong to pistol clubs.

There have been five separate incidents in the Wellington region this
year with the latest burglary reported this week after the Easter break.

The thieves broke into the strong room of a collector and took a
number of target pistols. They left behind rifles, shotguns and a number
of antique weapons. (what he didn't tell you here is that amongst the takings were quite a number of machine guns and very high round per minute guns.... )

It is disturbing to know that gang members are in possession of
hundreds of potentially lethal weapons and equally worrying that these
gangsters are getting information that should be locked away in police
files, said Mr Mark. ( Whoops did he slip here? ... what he said is that the police are letting information out to the gangs.... the question is WHY?)

He called on both the Police Minister and the Acting Police
Commissioner to publicly explain what had been done to improve the
security of the firearms register and what progress had been made to
retrieve the stolen handguns. ( OH YEH RIGHT! well that will ensure nothing positive is done about it)

I just heard of someone who choked to death on a postage stamp.
I now believe that all postage stamps should be removed from the public as unsafe and deadly items, an Act of parliament should be passed to restrict and control these deadly postage stamps.
see the site at http://hammer.prohosting.com/~nealking/
or the mirror site at

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." - Eze 33:6

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