>subject filtering's simply the better solution, because it would catch all

You don't get it.

The issue is *COST* of figuring out how to spam.

First, there were e-mail addresses an no spam.

Then spammers harvested addresses and started to spam.

Databases are quite static, because people are unable to
remeber non-static e-mail addresses.

Adding static string to the subject line will just force
spammers to associate another string with the address
(like: X-SPAM: blahblah, or Subject: %* CPUNK , etc.)

This is all, of course, in the long run. But we are here
because ofthe long run.

Adding *DYNAMIC* address would require database to have,
for example, java source that computes the address.

It can happen, but executing that is order of magnitude
more difficult than the CPUNK postfix.

The point being, if we do something, we should do it so
that it works for the next 10 years.

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