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                            Bush News
                           July 26, 2000

 ~ Top Story: Reaction to VP Nominee, Dick Cheney
 ~ A Note From The Editor
 ~ In The News... 
     *1 RAND Report: Texas Leading Education   *2 Fiscal Policy
     *3 What Others Are Saying                 *4 Polling Report
     *5 Cheney's Wife: Writer Commentator
 ~ Make A Difference, Get Involved

_______________________Top Story_________________________

  Quotes on the Cheney selection:

  Governor Bush at the announcement: "...I am proud to announce 
  that Dick Cheney, a man of great integrity and judgment and 
  experience, is my choice to be the next Vice President of the 
  United States.  I can't wait for the delegates at our 
  convention next week to hear from Dick Cheney and I will ask 
  them to confirm this good man as our party's choice for 

  "The fact that this outstanding man is willing to serve speaks 
  to the power of our compassionate conservative message and its 
  promise for our country."

  Full remarks:

  "Three months ago, when Governor Bush asked me to head up his 
  search team, I honestly did not expect that I would be standing 
  here today." 
   - Cheney, accepting Bush's offer. 

  "In very difficult circumstances in the Panama invasion, during 
  Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Dick Cheney showed great 
  strength of character, great understanding of the challenges." 
   - Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and 
     frequently mentioned as a possible Cabinet officer if Bush is 

  "...an excellent choice. Dick Cheney is a person who has respect 
  on both sides of the aisle." 
   - Sen. John McCain 

  "...rock solid. ...absolutely solid as he can be."
   - Former Sen. John Danforth

  "...excellent choice...very formidable...a solid man...a real 
  - William Bennett

  "Dick Cheney brings a level of experience, of background in 
  Washington and international affairs..." 
   - New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman

  "Dick Cheney called me in late May before Memorial Day and told 
  me that Governor Bush wanted to consider me as vice president. 
  ...I said, `Well, Dick, why don't you do it.' I still feel that 
   - Former Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander

  "...the right man at the right time." 
   - Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson

___________________A Note From The Editor____________________

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_________________________In The News_________________________

*1    *** RAND STUDY: Texas A National Leader In Education ***

                            LEADER IN EDUCATION

  AUSTIN- According to a RAND study released today, education 
  reforms implemented in Texas have resulted in some of the 
  highest achievement gains in the country. 

  Texas students consistently perform higher compared to groups 
  of similar racial, socioeconomic and family backgrounds in 
  other states. Texas consistently ranks at the top of almost 
  every category RAND compiled. 

  The study examined and compared the results from the National 
  Assessment of Educational Progress tests, taken between 1990 
  and 1996, among 44 states. They judged states according to 
  test scores improvement, raw achievement scores and scores 
  comparing students from similar demographic groups. 

  "I am proud of the results we have achieved in education in 
  Texas. As President, I will achieve the same results, 
  ensuring that no child is left behind, " said Governor Bush.

  Results from the RAND study show: 

  * Math scores in Texas have improved at twice the rate of 
    the national average.

  * Texas was second among all states in improved math scores.

  * Texas leads all states in a comparison of students from 
    similar socioeconomic and family backgrounds.

  * Texas African-American and non-Hispanic white fourth 
    graders ranked first on NAEP math tests in 1996. Texas 
    Hispanic fourth graders ranked fifth.

  * The study confirms earlier reports that Texas is one of two 
    states that has made the greatest overall academic gains in 
    recent years.

  * Texas students of each racial and/or ethnic group scored 
    higher than similar students in states with the same 
    demographic characteristics. 
  One reason why Texas has been so successful, according to the 
  RAND study, has been the higher percentage of teachers who 
  are satisfied with their teaching resources.  Governor Bush plans 
  to provide teachers with those same resources on the federal 
  level through initiatives such as "Reading First" which offers 
  training and curriculum for teaching reading to K-12 teachers.  

  As President, he will encourage states to set up accountability 
  systems by setting high standards, developing their own 
  assessments, and testing every student in reading and math. He 
  will insist on results and establish a $500 million fund to reward 
  states and schools that improve student performance, and make 
  sure schools that do not improve are held accountable. 

*2                ****** FISCAL POLICY ******
  Texas Under Bush -- Six Straight Years Of Budget Surpluses 
  And Rainy-Day Fund Grows Larger

  Setting The Record Straight: Al Gore Misled - Texas Enjoys 
  Record Surplus
  Governor Bush's Remarks Regarding Al Gore's Attacks In Texas

  Gore Can't Handle The Truth About Texas

*3           ****** WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ******

  What Others Are Saying About Al Gore's Attacks On Bush
  "I think Gore would like to have the ring of truth to his 
  charges, but that's not good enough.  You actually have to 
  have the truth, and he doesn't have it in this case...It's 
  clearly deceptive language."
        - Fox News Channel's Jeff Birnbaum

  "[Gore] has been saying the governor's $1.7 billion tax cut 
  left Texas without sufficient resources to deal with more 
  pressing social needs. Neither he nor aides make mention of 
  the larger $3.8 billion schools expenditure."
        - The Boston Globe's Yvonne Abraham and Jill Zuckman

  "Gore is dead wrong' about the state's fiscal condition...
  Only in Washington is such fiscal prudence considered 
        - State Rep. Rob Junell, the Democratic chairman of 
          the Texas House Appropriations Committee

*4              ****** POLLING REPORT ******
  Before we enter the convention phase of the campaign where 
  polls tend to jump around a lot, it's a good time to take stock 
  of where the race seems to be at this moment (prior to any 
  polls influenced by Cheney's selection).
  Since both parties' nominations were wrapped up in mid-March, 
  there have been 83 national public polls conducted.  Bush led 
  in 76, Gore in 5, and 2 were dead even.  Gore has not led in a 
  single poll since the end of March.  Since the 1st of April, 
  Bush has led in 61 polls and 2 were dead even.
  There have been 12 polls in July, Bush has led in all of them.  
  This despite the DNC airing $20 million in ads in 17 states.   
  In fact, the average Bush margin each month in the polls was 
  5.5% in April, 5.8% in May, 5.9% in June, and 5.8% in July.  
  This race has been very stable since the beginning of April - 
  with the margin staying between 5 and 6 points.  
  There has only been one survey out since the Cheney pick was 
  in the public forum, and in that Gallup Poll Bush was ahead by 
  8 points.

*5       ****** Cheney's Wife: Writer, Commentator ******

  Associated Press' Karen Gullo, 07/25/00:

  "Novelist. Political commentator. Magazine editor. Head of the 
  National Endowment for the Humanities. Lynne Cheney has worn 
  many hats, earning a reputation as an outspoken and 
  occasionally controversial conservative who doesn't shy away 
  from taking on liberals. 

  "Now she'll reprieve another role -- political wife -- as 
  husband Dick hits the campaign trail as George Bush's running 
  mate. It's a job that the Wyoming native...last took on in the 
  late 1970s and 1980s, when Cheney won five consecutive 
  congressional elections to the House. 

  "She met her future husband in high school where, she jokes, 
  his first political campaign involved getting her elected as 
  homecoming queen. 

  "[Lynne] Cheney, 58, [served for seven years as]...chair of the 
  National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency that 
  provides millions of dollars to support research and other 

  "Under her tenure, the endowment financed a well-respected 
  public television series on the civil war and promoted using 
  libraries, museums and other institutions as extensions of the 
  traditional classroom. 

  "She resigned her post when Clinton was elected and joined a 
  conservative think tank, the American Enterprise Institute, as 
  a senior fellow. 

  "Cheney has authored several nonfiction books about culture, 
  education and the humanities. She teamed up with her husband 
  on a 1983 book about House speakers, penned two novels, was 
  an editor at Washingtonian magazine and a commentator on the 
  political talk-show circuit. 

  "The Cheneys have two grown daughters, Mary and Elizabeth."

_____________________Making a Difference______________________

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