I have read on the Standard that the U.K. has passed the
so called ISP Wiretap act and it only has to be signed by
the Queen in order to become law, but in fact it has NOT
YET been signed by the Queen as of Saturday, July 30.

I am curious if there is any hope in stopping this by 
us (or the ISP community) trying to convince the Queen
to either veto the bill or suggest modifications.

Would it be at all feasable for us (or the ISP's among us
on this list) to email the Queen on this issue and espress
to her (professionally of course) our concerns and propose
suggestions for modifications.

Perhaps if anyone knows the exact email address for the
Queen to post it here on this list as well as other ISP
related lists (nanog comes to mind)?

Thank you all

Love & Peace

Mark Allyn

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