
Suit Tests Power of Media Concerns To Control Access to Digital Content 


It was perhaps the most arcane statement in all the hours of acronym-filled testimony, 
one that came on the last day of the six-day trial. But it may have been a turning 
point in an important battle over the limits of a new copyright law, a potential 
landmark case that ended its trial phase last week in Manhattan and now awaits a 
verdict by the judge. 

More news coverage may have been devoted to the recent legal wranglings over Napster, 
the Web service that the recording industry has accused of abetting widespread music 
piracy. But the Manhattan case, involving the copying of DVD movie disks, may have 
more far-reaching effects -- both on the way cultural products are consumed and on 
whether computer code is deemed to be speech deserving of First Amendment protection. 

>From the witness stand last Tuesday, Prof. David S. Touretzky, a computer scientist 
>at Carnegie-Mellon University, paged through a series of exhibits that included lines 
>of software source code in the C computer language, an English-language description 
>of the code, long strings of ones and zeros known as object code and a picture of a 
>T-shirt with the object code printed on it. 

All of the exhibits pertained to the subject of the trial: a software program that 
enables a user to decode the scrambling technology meant to prevent DVD movie disks 
from unauthorized copying. Professor Touretzky, an expert witness for the defense, 
told the judge that if he saw fit to ban any one depiction of the DVD-unscrambling 
software he would have to ban them all, because they all communicate the same thing. 

"I see this as having a chilling effect on my ability as a computer scientist to 
express myself," Professor Touretzky said. He was referring to the court's preliminary 
injunction that barred a Web site from posting the underlying, or source, code for the 
cracking program. "If the court upholds this injunction, what would happen is that 
certain uses of computer language -- my preferred means of expression -- would be 

Until that moment in the trial, United States District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan had 
appeared to have little doubt about the copyright law's constitutionality. In ordering 
the injunction, he had noted that the First Amendment does not shield copyright 
infringement, and that computer code was essentially "no more expressive than an 
automobile ignition key." 

But in light of the professor's testimony, Judge Kaplan said, he would reconsider his 
constitutional analysis. It would be hard to make a case "that computer code of any 
kind has no expressive content," the judge said. "Which then gets you to the question 
of how then do you deal with it under the First Amendment?" 

It was a significant statement to many legal experts, who see the DVD case pitting 
Hollywood's right to retain copyright control in the digital age against the right of 
individuals to exercise First Amendment free-speech rights. 

In essence, the DVD case does not center on traditional copyright issues, like how 
much of a given work may be freely copied, or how many copies may be legally made, or 
even -- as in the Napster case -- who can be held liable for enabling someone else to 
make illegal copies. 

Rather, the DVD trial is the first test of a 1998 federal law that made it a crime to 
manufacture or "offer to the public" a way to gain unauthorized access to any 
copyright-protected work that has been secured by a technology like encryption. It may 
sound like a hair-splitting distinction, but some people in the debate see it as a 
fundamental change -- as if the law now made it illegal not only to photocopy and sell 
a copyrighted book, but also to simply tell someone how to open and read that book 
without the publisher's authorization. 

The so-called anti-circumvention provision is part of the Digital Millennium Copyright 
Act, Congress's attempt to update copyright law at a time when digital technology has 
made copying words, sounds and images far easier and less expensive than ever before. 

But critics of the law in its current form worry that it goes far beyond the specific 
copyright challenges of the digital age to give copyright holders broad new powers 
over how the public uses their material. 

They worry that even time-honored "fair use" privileges like quoting from a novel in 
an essay of literary criticism or showing a movie snippet on a televised review could 
become illegal or even technically impossible since devising a way to do so would be 

"We fundamentally change the face of copyright law if we say none of the limitations 
and defenses to copying apply if the copyright owner was smart enough to encrypt," 
said Mark Lemley, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley who is not 
involved in the case. "Can you reverse-engineer software? Can you make parodies of 
someone's work? Can you make educational copies? All of that may be irrelevant if the 
mere act of getting access to the content for these purposes turns out to be illegal." 

In the DVD case, eight Hollywood studios are suing the publisher of 2600, a hacker 
magazine, for publishing computer code on his Web site that enables someone to break 
the encryption system on DVD movie disks. Studio executives say they are depending on 
the new law to prevent the sort of mass copying of movies over the Internet that is 
already happening with music. Without the guarantee of that protection, a Warner 
Brothers executive testified in court, the industry would never have begun releasing 
movies in digital format. 

But lawyers for the magazine publisher, Eric Corley, argue that the law may violate 
the First Amendment, and that the same principle of "fair use" of copyrighted material 
that is built into traditional copyright law should be applied to controlling access 
to digital works. 

The defense argues that there is a legitimate use for the code that Mr. Corley 
published on his Web site at the end of last year. 

They say that the code is a crucial part of a legal reverse-engineering process that 
enables DVD owners to view the disks on computers running the Linux operating system, 
something that is otherwise not currently possible. 

The outcome depends on Judge Kaplan, who presided over of testimony with obvious 
technological savvy. 

He has made clear his position that Congress did not build the notion of "fair use" 
into the restriction on circumventing encryption. 

Mr. Corley's defense team led by the prominent First Amendment lawyer Martin Garbus, 
and financially backed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a free-speech group, 
have not been optimistic about winning the trial and have said all along that their 
main goal is to lay the groundwork for an appeal. 

But neither side is willing to predict how the judge may now rule, which he has 
indicated he planned to do shortly after lawyers submit closing briefs on Aug. 8. The 
wild card may be Professor Touretzky's testimony, which Judge Jackson said was 
"extremely persuasive." 

The Teenager 
U.S. Case Had Roots in a Norwegian City 

The events that prompted the Motion Picture Association of America, a trade group 
representing eight leading movie studios, to sue Mr. Corley, 40, began last fall in 
Larvik, Norway. There, Jon Johansen, a skinny, self-confident 15-year-old, decided he 
was tired of dedicating an entire computer to Microsoft's Windows operating system 
just so he could watch DVD movies on a PC. All of his other computer activities were 
on machines running either the Linux operating system or FreeBSD, another alternative 
to Windows. 

According to his testimony in the Manhattan trial, Mr. Johansen and two people he knew 
via the Internet agreed to try to make something that did not yet exist: a software 
program that would play DVD's on computers running Linux. They knew that would mean 
cracking the DVD encryption system, Mr. Johansen said, but their purpose was not to 
make illegal copies. 

As it turned out, the DVD encryption, known as CSS for Content Scramble System, was 
not difficult to decode. In a matter of weeks Mr. Johansen had sewn together a 
decryption program he called DeCSS (pronounced DEE-C-S-S). He posted the DeCSS source 
code -- its recipe, in effect -- to an Internet list of people working on a Linux DVD 
software player program. The code was later incorporated into a program that is 
currently available on the Web in a test format. 

To no one's surprise, the source code for DeCSS had been widely disseminated across 
the Internet. In response, the licensing organization for CSS -- made up in part of 
the major film studios and consumer electronics companies -- has, under a California 
law, charged some 500 Web site operators with violating its trade secrets by posting 
the code. A preliminary injunction against the defendants is under appeal. 

Mr. Johansen, now 16, was recently named in the California case. Norwegian 
authorities, who seized his computer and held him for questioning last January, have 
also charged him under Norwegian laws for contributing to copyright infringement. 

More recently, offers have starting surfacing in Internet chat rooms to trade DVD 
movies over the Internet that have apparently been decoded with DeCSS or other 
programs. The movies would be sent over the Web with new data-compressing software 
known as Divx. The technique is similar to the way MP3 music files are transmitted via 
Napster and other music services, except that video files are much larger and 
encrypted and typically take many hours longer to travel across the Internet. 

Just how widespread such copying is, and to what extent DeCSS is used in such 
activities, was a matter of some debate at the trial. In fact, the studios conceded 
that they had no evidence of an individual who had actually used DeCSS for piracy. 

"We don't have to prove it," said Leon Gold, a lawyer with the New York firm Proskauer 
Rose L.L.P., who is the studios' lead lawyer. "The point is, we're trying to prevent 

In January, the eight studios filed suit under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 
against Mr. Corley and two other New York defendants, who have been dropped from the 

The studios are seeking an order that would permanently bar Mr. Corley from publishing 
DeCSS, in addition to a declaration that his conduct was unlawful, but the judge has 
expressed doubts about whether the power of an injunction should be invoked in a 
situation where he may well conclude that "the horse is clearly already out of the 

At issue, too, is whether the judge will grant the studios' request that he forbid Mr. 
Corley from posting links to other Web sites where DeCSS is available. Such a move 
would also raise First Amendment issues. 

At the request of Mr. Garbus, The New York Times submitted an affidavit in the case 
stating that an article on the Times' Web site last April provided a link to the 2600 
site's list of links to other sites that were publishing the DeCSS code. 

The Next Battle 
Issues of 'Fair Use' Confront Digital Age 

Whatever the eventual outcome of the case, legal experts expect it to lay the 
groundwork for future battles over the new copyright act. Mr. Corley is being tried 
for making unscrambling code available to the public. But there is another key 
provision to the law, a portion that Congress suspended when it passed the act in the 
fall of 1998. That portion would make it a crime for anyone to circumvent encryption 
to gain access to a digital work -- in effect, to open and read a digital book without 
the publisher's authorization. 

The Library of Congress has been asked to issue a recommendation, due in October, 
about what groups of people or classes of works, if any, should be exempted from the 
statute. Depending on the outcome, it could be a crime for anyone to use a program 
like DeCSS. 

"If the only way you got material is basically in an encrypted form subject to a 
contract that says, 'You may not copy any of this,' how do you make fair use?' " said 
Marybeth Peters, the head of the United States Copyright Office. Ms. Peters has been 
holding hearings on the matter for two years and must make her own recommendation soon 
to the Library of Congress. 

Ms. Peters has been weighing arguments by copyright holders who contend they will have 
no incentive to produce digital material without the assurance of such protection, and 
by educational and civil liberties groups who argue that society will suffer if access 
to the products of mass culture is curtailed. 

On many days "I'm ready to tear my hair out," she said. "The issues are really 
complicated, the legislation is less than clear, the interests are many and varied and 
we have very little guidance because the language is ambiguous and the stakes are very 

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