On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Nathan Saper wrote:

>The point is, it's not fair to punish someone for a genetic defect
>that isn't his or her fault.  

What has fairness got to do with it?  People are born with genetic 
defects; it's manifestly unfair, but it's true.  Insurers are in 
business to make money, and their business model must reflect 
truth.  Risk is Risk.  Doesn't matter whether it's fair or not.

If you want to make donations to the care of people who can't 
afford coverage or health care (who probably include some of 
the folk with genetic defects), do that through a charity.  
Whether they have money or not, you have no right to rob the 
stockholders in the insurance company in order to fund your 
pet charity.  


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