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On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 12:59:08AM -0400, Me wrote:
> From: "Nathan Saper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > However, I think most people would be willing to vote for a
> bill that
> > would guarantee insurance for people with genetic
> abnormalities, even
> My own aside, how many votes are required before my right to
> security in person and property should be violated?  50% + 1?

How about 50% + 2? ;-)

> > > We cannot provide all the medical care for everyone who might
> want it.  The
> > > question then is who decides who lives and who dies?
> > We could easily provide healthcare for every American citizen.
> Just
> > raise taxes a bit, and cut out most of our military spending.
> Why only American citizens?  There are entire countries whose
> populations are worse off than the most poorly ensured USAian.
> Doesn't your heart bleed for them?

Yes, it does.  And I think we as Americans, as well as our government,
should do everything in our power to help.  However, the first concern
of any government is its own population.

> Regardless, don't go to the trouble of raising taxes and cutting
> military spending - it isn't needed.  I can personally provide a
> some level of healthcare for every American citizen.  I'm
> assuming quality of care isn't a consideration?

It's a big consideration, at least from my POV.

- --
Nathan Saper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | http://www.well.com/user/natedog/
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