On 08/25/2016 07:33 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
> On 08/25/2016 10:00 PM, Razer wrote:
>> On 08/25/2016 01:21 PM, grarpamp wrote:
>>> https://twitter.com/jmprcx/status/766806181318844417
>>> jmprcx ‏@jmprcx
>> This account followed me recently. Playing both sides of #Torstrike.
>> Provocateur.
> they claim to be forking tor - though they forked the wrong repository.
> They say they will create a replacement tor browser without "SJW tech"
> whatever that means on Aug 26.

The guy claims to be a former infantryman and now an alleged
cybersecurity 'expert' for a living (means he lives in his mommy's
basement like Adrian Lamo) I wouldn't use his cellphone no less any
software he had a hand in.

I'd dig up a twitter convo I had with him but I ended up blocking all
his BFF trolls who joined in so it wouldn't make any sense but needless
to say he's no one I'd trust, and I'm SURE he'd try to disrupt any real
developmental progress towards security.


>>> #Cypherpunks mailing list is so damaging that the Tor-talk list had to
>>> be censored. #tor
>>> Could be read as cpunks holding a certain negative or destructive intent.
>>> Others view cpunks as applied sunshine to a dark world.
>>> May all your plants grow tall, sturdy, and fruitful.

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