On 8/18/16, grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://twitter.com/shiromarieke/status/765634647485214720
> 12:41 PM - 16 Aug 2016
> Today I am quitting @torproject I published my letter to tor-internal here:
> https://shiromarieke.github.io/tor


When Shari Steele joined the Tor Project as executive director last
December, she thought the job would resemble the start of her previous
stint as the executive director of the digital civil liberties group
Electronic Frontier Foundation: getting down to the hard work of
turning a scrappy online privacy group with a reputation for chaos
into a mature organization.
“I expected there were operational things I’d have to clean up,”
Steele said. “Setting up bank accounts, and making sure contractors
are treated properly, that kind of thing.”
Instead, the first eight months of Steele’s tenure have been defined
by a scandal that has rocked the Tor Project
(Appelbaum, who lives in Berlin, has not been charged with any crime.)
One of those disputes: how to integrate two unnamed Tor employees back
into the unpaid Tor community after they were fired as a result of the
Appelbaum investigation. In June, Macrina came forward as one of
Appelbaum’s accusers — a fact that Gutbub argues makes her unfit to be
part of the council making the decision.
Macrina told BuzzFeed News that she will recuse herself from the
process — the council decides by consensus — after another core member
told her he was concerned that she had a conflict of interest.
Just how serious the discord within the Tor community is may not be
clear until the Seattle conference, held the last week of September,
when its most influential members will meet in person for the first
time since the Appelbaum allegations came to light.

Marie Gutbub ‏@shiromarieke Aug 24
So apparently Shari Steele lied to the press about some points of my
open letter https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/dissent-
She pretended that the reason I was not invited at the next
@torproject dev meeting is not related to #jakegate . 2/4
To avoid more rumours and confusions, here's what Shari wrote to Tor
about that subject before I quit : 3/4
Why lie to the press, @torproject? 4/4

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