Hi Salz!

Saving time, labor money and gaining in the money market for transaction
time differentials was the banks initial motivation  but the co$t advantages
of unsupervised authentication assurances, liability confinment and real-time auditing 
 (read all as: higher security) brought by electronic transaction handling now far 
outweigh any marginal gains from time, labor and money market -- at
least from the banks I know. Thir biggest problem now is dealing with liability
in multi-party scenarios -- where paper is a no-starter. If you have a different 
feedback and can provide a reference, I would like to have it.  Different banks
are in different points of the learning curve.


Ed Gerck

Rich Salz wrote:

> Ed Gerck wrote:
> > Why have banks moved and are moving more and more
> > a w a y   from paper?
> To save money.  Security has little to do with, compared to the effect of
> cost-reduction.
>         /r$

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