On 09/03/2016 12:22 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 03, 2016 at 12:03:56AM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>> On 09/02/2016 11:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 10:33:58PM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>>>> On 09/02/2016 09:26 PM, Razer wrote:
>>>>> On 09/02/2016 07:01 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 06:06:24PM -0700, Razer wrote:
>>>>>>> On 09/02/2016 05:51 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>>>>>>> individual sovereignty and anarchism
>>>>>>> Try "individual RESPONSIBILITY to the 'collective' called humanity and
>>>>>>> Anarchism" and I'll nibble. Until then it's just Feudal Nihilism by
>>>>>>> different means.
>>>>>> Nihilism sounds like moral relativism, not very useful.
>>>>>> "Feudal nihilism" - I don't understand what that's supposed to mean.
>>>>> It means you don't care what happens to the shitpile as long as you're
>>>>> at the tip of the turd.
>>>> I do feel some compassion for the shitpile. But playing in shit is just
>>>> not very interesting. And change (or even transformation) is at best
>>>> illusory.
>>> That is not agreeable, nor constructive, although the statement may be
>>> provable over specific time periods and at certain levels of analysis.
>> Maybe not agreeable or constructive to you, but accurate, I believe.
>>> But, for many of us, where "keeping out of it" means not engaging or
>>> physically interacting with interesting folk who also exist within "our
>>> nation", isolationism is intolerable!
>> It doesn't mean that at all.
> You're not quite getting this point:
> One particular issue at hand: DMV issued driver licenses.
> We have the options:
>  - isolate (monastically, or with some friends)
>  - not isolate
> In the case we 'not isolate', and we drive to another 'not-isolationist'
> community, we then are presented with two options (amongst others like
> "get a friend to drive me", but let's cut to the chase here):
>  - drive by common law/ natural law right/ the blessing/ etc
>  - obtain and drive with a state-issued driver license (eg DMV)
> Mirimir, when you say you choose to 'fly below the radar' or rather 'nod
> and smile', what, specifically, are you suggesting in this very real and
> current and modern scenario?

I have a driver license. My vehicles are certified safe. I have
insurance. I drive prudently, avoiding attention. If detained by police,
I am calm and respectful. Refusing any of those things is, in my humble
opinion, just too fucking stupid for words.

It's true that I learned those skills as a drug smuggler ;) But more
generally, I fly below the radar when it's workable.

> (And before you try to sidestep the issue: the properties are 97km
> apart, driving and walking are your only means of transport, and you
> have to meet in person not video conference, perhaps shipping a few
> garbage bags of prime head or juicy tomatoes.)

It's only a problem if you're so pigheaded that you need to openly defy
authority ;)

>>> Some say the leader of the Zealots was Jesus the Nazarene, the last King
>>> of the jews and there is some evidence to this - a book where the author
>>> alleges he read the last scroll of the Zealots in person, but was not
>>> allowed a copy (can't remember the name of the book right now).
>> That was a long time ago, and impossible to tell from bullshit.
> Except to the degree one can put credence in time dating and the
> contents of an actual scroll at ground zero of the mutual suicide that
> occurred at Masada from their self proclaimed (in said scroll) leader.

What exactly should I care?

Far more interesting is the Copiale Cipher.



> Feel free to only put credence in contemporary internet-accessible
> blogs, rather than such scrolls, since it's on the internet it must be
> true and all that...

Mostly lies, for sure. But that's true for everything :(

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