Playing with the 92-98 archive...

From: (Timothy C. May)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 10:48:20 PDT
Subject: Re: CYPHERPUNK considered harmful.

        "Similarly, there's the Libertarian Party, with similar themes
        to our own..."

        "Getting back to your suggestion that "we" change the name to
        something more respectable. How could "we" do this, given that
        "we" are an effective anarchy?" 

        "Form your own group, your own mailing list, with a catchy
        name, something like "The Privacy Education Foundation," or
        "The American Civil Liberties Union" (whoops, taken), or "The
        Society for the Preservation of Cyberspatial Liberty."
        "Evolution in action. The market in action. A better approach
        than trying to get the name and the charter changed."


ps: messages from the great philosopher Stephen D. Williams? 77 in
total, stopped posting in 1995 - messages are either content free or
nerdy, useless, technical stuff.


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