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Greetings, Anarchists and Sworn Enemies Of Anarchism!

Without a sovereign Authority to sign off on it, there can be no such
thing as a CPunks List Charter.  What it this, a corporation?  CPunks
has never even been as organized as a pirate vessel - no ship's
articles, no process for selecting or removing captains, no
disciplinary process, no profit sharing or worker's comp...

HOWEVER, I do propose yet another definitive answer for the "topic" of
the cypherpunks list:

Information warfare in the public interest.

Because in the local context, cypher- means mathematical munitions,
and -punk means opposed to abuse of authority.  Information warfare in
the public interest provides a very broad canvas to work with,
encompassing everything from tools and strategies for network security
to exposure of State and Corporate covert surveillance and
manipulation with an eye to practical mitigation.

If you order today you also get a culture and heritage of hacking.
Not the pop culture script kiddie version, but hacking in the original
tehchnophiliac meaning of the word:  Content with an emphasis on How
Stuff Works and how to make stuff Work For You.  But wait, there's
more!  All of this happens in a context of radical politics, so we can
widen our subject matter to include hacking tips, tricks, tools and
case histories for technologies like practical propaganda, activist
organization, and resistance movements.  A Magic Theater with only one
price:  Study that, do that, improve on that, and assist others to do

When people acquire, use and share practical tools and techniques,
they can enable Big Things to happen.  When people promote and defend
and repeat and elaborate and fight over and recycle and reiterate and
regurgitate and clog up the tubes with the END PRODUCTS of their VERY
OWN political agenda, grounded in Most Passionate Beliefs, we get an
identity politics shouting match that proves nothing but our
collective incompetence at waging information warfare in the public

Get good at being Bad.  Know the right way to do wrong.


Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


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