The Grugq was an 0day reseller who transitioned to Infosec/Opsec bobblehead.  
Still maintaining close ties to the hand that feeds.

On December 28, 2016 4:25:47 AM CST, The Cuckq <> wrote:
>> the.grugq at
>> panacea
>No shit.  Prevention is the point of Tor, not damage mitigation, i.e.,
>> privacy activist cult
>TIL: privacy = cult
>> I got triggered
>What a fagq
>> strong security posture
>It is only posturing, isn't it
>> security (and/or privacy)
>Without security there is no privacy; isn't this guy a philosopher
>king; wtf
>> VPN provides the same protections
>Bullshit, VPNs are guaranteed to fail
>Tor is at least a gamble, until trust-aware path selection enables a
>better experience
>> Tor has only one use case – to evade the authorities
>This fuckq with the pro-LEA false narratives
>> VPNs are (typically) not actively malicious
>Neither are "whites"
>> and you have no good reason to use it
>> except as an evasion tool against state authorities
>Again with the false narratives
>> Tor Browser Bundle is the worst browser possible
>I guess he never used IE/Edge or Chrome
>What a newb
>> Anonymity is essentially a property of a system that ensures any user
>> is equally likely to be the source of an event
>This guy is fucking retarded
>Not knowing who dun it doesn't mean it could be anybody
>> Diversity is obviously less good for anonymity
>Seeing a user as a regular Chrome, FF, or Safari user does more for
>anonymity than Tor homogeneity
>> Global Passive Adversary
>It is clear that they are actively attacking people, why use inaccurate

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