On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 11:00:35AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 03:15:32PM -0500, John Newman wrote:
> > The onus is not on Razer to disprove your ahistorical nonsense. I didn't 
> > mention the curious fact about the jewish finns and the nazis to bolster 
> > your bullshit.
> Evidently you did not watch that video from with the great accent.
> I know you're -capable- of relevant comments, and tbh I -do- like to
> hear when you actually have something to say ... however infrequent.

And doubly the point by the way - proving the non existence of something
is a classic distraction-from-logic tactic - Razer asserts the holocaust
-did- happen, therefore one would think providing evidence of such ought
be almost trivial.

But the doubly so part: I provide evidence of the 6 million Jewish souls
PRIOR to WW2 (American newspapers by the way), thereby PROVING the
-hoax- part of the holo-hoax, and you react (pretend to respond) with
"It's not up to Razer to disprove your ahistorical nonsense".

Now THAT'S some serious chutzpah!

You Jew me thinks...

Don't worry John, the light is inviting... and I hear dem ovens are
warm and toasty in the winter time.<cackle>

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