From: James A. Donald <>
On 2/3/2017 2:14 AM, Razer wrote:
>> Right. Nazis have no right to be espousing the extermination of people
>> because of ethnic or other fate-of-birth traits alone.

>But none of the people you are calling nazis and beating up have 
espoused the extermination of ethnic groups.

>Rather you equate disagreeing with the left on any of enormous number of 
points with nazism.  There is hardly anyone on the Republican side of 
politics, and not many on the Democrat side, that are progressive enough 
to be not be nazis.

Excellent point:  On 2/01/2017, at 11:20, I asked, and then answered my own 
question, since Razer didn't provide any answer:I asked:

>>So, is there any reliable way to distinguish a mere "conservative" from a 
[no response by Razer, so I said,]
I wish you'd have been able to answer this question.[end]

To Razer and his ilk, a  "Nazi", or "fascist",  is simply a person 
more-rightward than [fill in the blank], where that "fill in the blank" is 
probably a leftist.
           Jim Bell


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