On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 9:23 AM, \0xDynamite <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I went to
>> https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=zeitgeist&go=Go
>> So I found that, but it wasn't clear where to proceed from there.  I found a
>> small search box, and looked for "zeitgeist", finding little of obvious
>> interest.
> Sorry, will try to give you a more exhaustive list.  Since you found
> the search box (and since it may deprive you from all the links in
> each of those pages (at they've censored valid data for hackerspaces
> on their own site, >PLEASE EXPLAIN<), here's a list:
> * fractional voting
> * anarchy
> * World Constitution
> * Tree of Life
> You'll have to manually search for any interested links within those
> pages, since they fucked them up.  Otherwise, search for New World
> Order at metagovernment.org wiki.



> Feel free to comment on the discussion tabs or edit if you find errors
> or have better suggestions.  (That's how wiki works if you don't know
> -- you're encouraged to change it towards better info.  My ability to
> edit may be limited though as they've banned me on a hacker site for
> providing activist, engineering, and political info -- apparently they
> don't know that being a true hacker is a POLITICAL ACT, but hey maybe
> they're just high-schoolers.)

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