On Oct 16, 2017 10:24, "\0xDynamite" <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:

(That's how wiki works if you don't know -- you're encouraged to change it
towards better info.  My ability to
edit may be limited though as they've banned me on a hacker site for
providing activist, engineering, and political info -- apparently they
don't know that being a true hacker is a POLITICAL ACT, but hey maybe
they're just high-schoolers.)

You were banned for only 3 (three) days, Mark.  And it occurred after the
biggest of your overreactions, full of offenses and curses to all the
members of the list.  :P

Please, consider to begin and use your own repository, dear.  I am also
thinking about beginning a small repository of Sci-Fi books, movies and
comics. I loved when Mirimir, John and others here had discussions about

In this list, we can find great suggestions of political and anarchist
books too.  I would like to make a little repository for them too.

Take care.  Peace.

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