On Friday, August 10, 2018, 4:42:51 PM PDT, Zenaan Harkness 
<z...@freedbms.net> wrote:  

Microsoft Threatens to Shut Down GAB Unless They
Censor Anti-Jew Posts
Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
August 10, 2018

 > Microsoft pointed to two posts from Gab user Patrick Little, one
 > that calls for the “complete eradication of all Jews” and the
 > other which calls for their death by torture: “After an initial
 > review, we have concluded that this content incites violence, is
 > not protected by the First Amendment, and violates Microsoft
 > Azure’s acceptable use policy,” a Microsoft spokesperson told
 > Motherboard. “Microsoft notified Gab.ai of this substantial
 > concern and advised that it remove this content or respond to
 > Microsoft within 48 hours, or potentially risk suspension of its
 > service on Azure.”

>That, of course, is bullshit.
>The First Amendment absolutely protects calls for violence, as
 long as no “specific and credible threat” is involved. Simply
 calling for the destruction of a race, even by torture, is
 protected speech.
You are correct.  The controlling case is Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969.  Although, 
since I no longer have access to a LEXIS computer system, I cannot Shepardize 
(modern equivalent:  Text search) this case in the various appeals Circuits to 
see how they have further interpreted it.

            Jim Bell



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