On 11/08/2018 04:34, juan wrote:
> >       of course it is, peterson is a christian right-wing fascist so his 
fascist 'message' is no doubt at the 'foundation' of western 'civilization'

> Jordan Peterson is not a Christian,

        peterson is a fuckign 'atheist' christian.


> and his message is far to the left
> of 2008 Obama, and farther to the left of each president.

On 11/08/2018 06:20, juan wrote:
        you'll have to first define 'left' and then give some example of 
peterson being a lefty.

Leftism is knocking over the apple cart to grab some apples. I don't see Peterson calling out black, female, or gay misbehavior, misbehavior that would have been intolerable ten years ago, and unthinkable twenty years ago.

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