On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 15:17:45 -0700
Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:

> Ummm, no :) There are still many extreme .onion sites. Mainly "hard
> candy". A quick scan yielded eight that were up when I checked:

        Well, I'd say most of your links show that the content is hardly 
extreme. Four versions of the **censored** hidden wiki, a couple of discussion 
boards with barely any content as far as I can tell, one of the 'hacking' forum 
has 0 posts in all categories, another apparently requires an email address 
(...), and sites trying to sell ordinary porn for bitcoins, so more than likely 
outright scams. 

        And there are a couple of sites that seem to link to 'ilegal' content 
on....clearnet! So although the boards are a 'hidden' service their content 
isn't actually hosted on tor. Rather  suspicious I'd say. 

        So I'll stick to my general view : tor has an extensive record of 
failure, and if the govt wants a honeypot, then some sites have to last for a 
while to provide the illusion that 'tor works'. 

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