On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 09:13:31PM +0100, Steven Schear wrote:
> These instances of being forced to step down from corporations due to
> non-adjudicated claims need to be prevented in corporate bylaws which
> cannot be amended or removed without re-incorporation.
> This would provide needed backbone to board members.

Unfortunately RMS 'freely' made the decision - it's a resignation, not
a dismissal or firing.

When a bunch of humans you thought held the same fundamental
principles (notwithstanding disagreements) all sign up to a "he must
resign" petition - that can't be an easy or pleasant decision to make.

One must engage in meat space, with other humans, to create anything

Identifying humans who actually do share certain fundamental
principles is perhaps a principled man's greatest challenge.

  Does this person truly uphold the right to freedom of
  communication, the right to hold a different belief?

  How do I really find out?

And in the context of FSF - perhaps the only real test for those who
otherwise found themselves on the board was "past and or ongoing
contributions to GNU/Free Software"?

In such a situation, you might have yourself a bunch of Linuses -
humans who care mostly about convenience, better software, and less
waste of resources.

How can one expect much but disappointment from such humans when

How can those who primarily value convenience, be relied upon for
much of anything (other than 'convenience')?

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