On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 06:02:10PM -0700, Greg Newby wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 11:52:07AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > ...
> > Those who presently rule, do so with unethical foundations.
> Indeed.
> > 
> > Can there be such a thing as an "ethical billionaire"?
> Sure, if you allow making massive donations to charities, building out a 
> national park system in Chile, and funding health research to qualify as 
> "ethical."
> Rowling: 
> https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/j-k-rowling-drops-off-forbes-billionaires-list/
> Chouinard: 
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2017/12/05/im-not-going-to-let-evil-win-patagonias-billionaire-owner-says-he-plans-to-sue-trump/
> Feeney: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-29238545
> Chittilappilly: 
> https://www.forbes.com/sites/naazneenkarmali/2019/01/24/why-a-former-billionaire-is-giving-away-his-wealthand-made-the-ultimate-gift/#ef1b0381d5db
> I didn't immediately find any American billionaires who gave it all away. 
> Even the billionaires above seem to argue that money corrupts. Yet they 
> manage to keep a moral compass, of some sort.
> Actually, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation does quite a lot of
> good work, too. Wikipedia says they gave $28B, as of 2013:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_%26_Melinda_Gates_Foundation

A lot / mostly to vaccinating brown children - two apropos articles

Search for the "Georgian monoliths"...

----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com> -----

From: Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:41:23 +1000
Subject: Highly toxic ingredients are deliberately formulated into
mandatory vaccines so that you are forced to submit to being poisoned

Highly toxic ingredients are deliberately formulated into mandatory
vaccines so that you are forced to submit to being poisoned

Thursday, October 10, 2019 by: Tracey Watson
<https://www.naturalnews.com/author/traceyw> Mandatory vaccinations
are a highly controversial subject. For years, medical propaganda has
been conditioning us to believe that vaccines provide what is known
as “herd immunity.” This propaganda teaches that if a significant
proportion of the population is vaccinated against a disease then the
whole community will be protected, including those who do not receive
the vaccine.

Based on this faulty premise, many states have passed laws making
vaccinations mandatory – supposedly for the greater good of all. Many
vaccine advocates go so far as to accuse those who refuse to be
vaccinated of compromising the health of the entire community.

However, decades after the first vaccines were created, history has
proven that these toxic jabs do not confer a lifetime of immunity,
which is why booster shots are now recommended for many vaccines. And
the simple fact is that in addition to being ineffective, vaccines
also carry serious risks and contain dangerous and ethically
questionable ingredients. Yet, more and more states are passing laws
making it mandatory for children to be vaccinated, even denying
school entry to those who refuse to comply.

It is therefore more important than ever to know exactly what
vaccines are made of
and why we need to be extremely cautious about allowing healthcare
workers to administer them to our children.

*The science behind vaccines*

There is a common misconception that being vaccinated simply entails
being injected with a small amount of a disease so that the immune
system can produce antibodies against it, thereby conferring lifelong
immunity to the recipient.

In reality, however, vaccines are manufactured using a host of
ingredients that have serious side effects
In addition, many are made with fetal cells taken from aborted
babies, which would shock and horrify many of the people who
willingly allow their young children to be vaccinated.

As reported by *Families 4 Vaccine Choice
(and confirmed by the CDC
vaccines also contain serum derived from the blood of bovine fetuses,
protein from human blood plasma, kidney epithelial cells extracted
from African green monkeys, yeast DNA, yeast protein, Madin Darby
canine kidney cells derived from an adult cocker spaniel, chicken
fibroblasts, DNA taken from porcine circoviruses and other disgusting

Then, of course, there are the other controversial vaccine
ingredients like mercury (thimerosal), formaldehyde and monosodium
glutamate, which have all been linked to a host of adverse health

*Families 4 Vaccine Choice* explains how all of these vile
ingredients are used to create vaccines:

*Now we learn that with RNA … “DNA molecules from two different
species are inserted into a host organism to produce new genetic
combinations.” So that means they are splitting human DNA with the
DNA of animals and aborted fetuses and then injecting it back into
our bodies with the hopes that it will cause us to create the antigen
needed to immunize us against a virus.*

*Not all doctors support mandatory vaccinations*

While the government and the mainstream media promote the idea that
all healthcare professionals support vaccinations, nothing could be
further from the truth. Natural health practitioners like
naturopathic physicians and homeopaths have long warned against the
negative effects of vaccines, and even many mainstream doctors are
opposed to vaccinations, especially when they are forced on people.

After all, it is a basic human right – as asserted by the *American
Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics*
– to choose whether or not to accept a risky medical procedure:

*The patient should make his or her own determination about
treatment… Informed consent is a basic policy in both ethics and law
that physicians must honor, unless the patient is unconscious or
otherwise incapable of consenting and harm from failure to treat is

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----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com> -----

From: Gil May <gilma...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 06:58:37 +1000
Subject: WHO admits polio outbreak in the Philippines caused by polio 
vaccines…outbreak “caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2”

WHO admits polio outbreak in the Philippines caused by polio
vaccines… outbreak “caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2”

Wednesday, October 09, 2019 by: Mike Adams
<https://www.naturalnews.com/author/healthranger> The polio vaccine
has caused an escalating outbreak of polio in the Philippines,
according to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, which issued a
joint statement admitting the vaccine is causing polio.

“WHO and UNICEF said in a joint statement the polio outbreak in the
Philippines is concerning because it is caused by vaccine-derived
poliovirus type 2,” writes the Associated Press
<https://apnews.com/d954ca949bf34124bc980d4e2f732b16>. “The weakened
virus used in vaccines replicates for a short time in children’s
intestines and is excreted in their feces.”

Polio vaccines are often cited as a success story proving that
vaccines work to eliminate infectious disease. In truth, *nearly all
the cases of polio in the modern world are caused by polio vaccines*

Stated plainly, more cases of polio are caused by polio vaccines than
from wild polio.

*Polio vaccines are creating “super polio” strains that threaten

Oral polio vaccines are actually “spawning virulent strains” of
polioviruses, reports Children’s Health Defense

*The alarming surge in vaccine-derived polio cases presents vaccine
planners with a “quandary” or “conundrum”—because “The very tool you
are using for [polio] eradication is causing the problem.” …Vaccine
researchers have long known that these OPV-derived viruses can
themselves cause polio, particularly when they get “loose in the

The Associated Press story admits that it has been over 25 years
since polio in the Philippines was contracted from a “wild strain.”
Since 1993, *all the cases of polio in the Philippines have been
caused by polio vaccines*.  Via AP:
* [T]he last known case from a wild strain of the virus in the
* Philippines
was in 1993…*

*Associated Press admits vaccines kill children*

The AP also admits that vaccines kill children:

*The government’s immunization programs were marred in 2017 by a
dengue fever vaccine made by French drugmaker Sanofi Pasteur which
some Philippine officials linked to the deaths of at least three
children. Duque and other Philippine health officials say they have
worked to restore public trust in vaccines since then.*

Even worse, as the AP admits, vaccines for dengue fever were actually
found to *increase the risk of severe dengue infections*:

*The government halted the dengue immunization drive after Sanofi
said a study showed the vaccine may increase the risk of severe
dengue infections.  More than 830,000 children received the Dengvaxia
vaccine under the campaign, which was launched in 2016 and halted in
2017. Sanofi officials said the Dengvaxia vaccine was safe and would
reduce dengue infections if the vaccination drive continued.*

*Vaccine “science” is a fraud*

Modern vaccine “science” is a total fraud. Vaccines kill or maim
millions of children around the world each year, yet any journalist
who investigates the toxicity of vaccine ingredients or the science
fraud behind vaccine propaganda is immediately banned from all major
tech platforms, including Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
Pinterest and even Vimeo.

No facts about vaccines are allowed to be shared or discussed. The
corrupt, criminally-operated vaccine industry controls the narrative
across all tech giants — including Wikipedia — as well as Hollywood,
universities and medical journals.

The vaccine industry *murders children for profit*, then silences
anyone who works to protect children from the scourge of dangerous
immunizations carried out with toxic ingredients like aborted human
fetal tissue, aluminum, mercury and chemical adjuvants.

Watch this shocking video revealing the truth about aborted human
fetal cells used in vaccines, totally admitted by the CDC and vaccine


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