And I got this third one too.

On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 10:10:23PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
>  [twice in the last couple of hours I sent this, both times getting a quick 
> confirmation as was programmed weeks, yet NOT actually getting a return from 
> from the list itself.  I will shorten the quote below to ensure that this 
> isn't the problem.]
>     On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 01:19:46 PM PST, jim bell 
> <> wrote:  
>   [I am resending this, because while I received a confirmation from the CP 
> list a few seconds after I sent it, nevertheless after nearly 40 minutes 
> after this, I have not yet received the posting as would have been sent by 
> the list.]
>     On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 12:40:40 PM PST, jim bell 
> <> wrote:  
>   My Assassination Politics   proposal has been 
> extensively mistreated and unfairly opposed by people, even early on the 
> Cypherpunks list, based on very false and especially incomplete analyses.  
> Specifically, people write as if you can consider AP 'good' based only on it, 
> rather than in comparison with what it will certainly replace. And yes, many 
> people have had the opportunity, for about 25 years now, to do these 
> comparisons.  They have utterly failed to do that. Economists have a term 
> called "opportunity cost", the costs of NOT choosing a particular course of 
> action.  Making a decision requires an analysis of not merely choosing, but 
> also choosing NOT, to do something.   
> I just read the following, from Reddit.  It is a seemingly small, but 
> virtually perfect, example of what happens when you DON'T choose to implement 
> my Assassination Politics system.
>  I will quote all of this below, the relevant message, in case it disappears. 
>   But I will say that in an AP world this kind of event could not occur.  Why 
> do I say that?   In an AP world, this crooked detective wouldn't expect to be 
> protected by an equally-crooked judge.  In an AP world, this crooked 
> detective would be 'donated to death', very quickly, and there would be 
> nothing at all that anybody could do to stop this.  And if a crooked judge 
> tried to help him get away with this amazing perjury, that judge too would be 
> 'donated to death', just as quickly.  And anyone who supported him, or them.  
> Mostly, the deterrent value of AP would make such actions unthinkable, and 
> impossible in practice.  
> One reason that my AP idea should be considered so good is that it must be 
> judged in comparison with the existing world, all the bad things like this.  
> Anybody who criticizes AP needs to explain why it would somehow be worse than 
> today's amazing world.  
> When I do a Google-search for things like ' "Assassination Politics" "bell" ' 
>  I occasionally read comments about how 'Bell has not recanted', or 'Bell 
> still believes in his AP idea'.  As if, they are somehow shocked to discover 
> that I really still support my AP idea.  Why should I recant?   Why should I 
> abandon my discovery/invention?   Does our world still have injustice, in the 
> way this current Reddit item describes?   Does our world still have 
> militaries, taxation to fund them, wars, and nuclear weapons?  Does anybody 
> (else) have a credible idea to solve these problems?
> I will recant AP when, and only when, the world figures out a way to solve 
> ALL of its problems that AP would otherwise solve.  Which will NEVER occur.  
> Jim Bell
> ----------------------------- From that cite shown above:
> -----------------------------
> "I represented the man who this ex-NYPD detective lied into a violent felony 
> indictment. Michael Bergman completely fabricated a fake crime out of spite. 
> If convicted, would’ve faced minimum 3.5 years in prison. Max 15. Today, the 
> liar only got probation.
> "I remember first meeting Mr. Barbosa. In interview cells attached to the 
> cage behind the arraignment courtroom in Brooklyn criminal court. Like 
> everyone I represent I don’t get to choose. I just happened to be working 
> that day, & a file with his name & charges was handed to me.
> "The charges were serious. Detective Bergman claimed that after stopping Mr. 
> Barbosa’s car, he accelerated backwards at a high rate of speed, then turned 
> the car toward the Detective. Was right in between headlines. And slammed on 
> gas. Bergman dove out of the way to save his life.
> "Mr. Barbosa was in a world of trouble. Charged w/ attempted assault in first 
> degree. A Class C violent felony. A brazen act of violence. I wondered what 
> he was thinking. What motivated this? I walked thru the door into the jail 
> directly behind the “In God We Trust” sign in court.
> I called his name & he walked in. Tired. Not feeling well. Shaking his head. 
> I told him his charges. And he forcefully denied it. “Didn’t happen. These 
> cops have been harassing me for months. I was parked. They pulled up. I drove 
> off. That was it.” I pressed him more.
> “Why on earth would they make something like this up?” I asked. Cops lie all 
> the time. To justify bad stops & frisks, excessive use of force. Sometimes 
> they plant evidence. Big lies. Small lies. Here: there was no motivation. He 
> wasn’t injured. They didn’t find anything on him.
> “I honesty don’t know. They don’t like me, but saying I did this?” He trailed 
> off. Put head down. He was really upset. I was having a hard time still 
> believing him. “So you just pulled out? Didn’t accidentally almost hit him?” 
> He shook his head no. “I’ll look for video,” I said.
> A reaction to the idea of video surveillance can sometimes be a tell. If not 
> so enthusiastic, it’s likely the video won’t be helpful. But he jumped up:
> “There’s video?!”
> “I don’t know. I’ll definitely be looking for it.”
> [snip]
> [end of long quote from Reddit: 
>  ]

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