
I hear you speaking of george floyd in ways that sound honest to me.  It's
not the opinion I usually hear when people sound honest about it.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2020, 8:14 AM <jam...@echeque.com> wrote:

> On 2020-08-04 19:38, Karl wrote:
> > I know these particular friends well enough to predict their behavior
> > accurately and am pretty certain they are not lying.
> Yet somehow, strangely, in all of America, despite frantic and desperate
> search by the mainstream media, they have not been able to find what you
> so easily found.
> Why don't you report one of these many cases of horrific white
> persecution of dindu nuffins to the mainstream media?  You will be a
> bigger hero than Jussie Smollett or Crystal Gail Mangum or was Jackie
> Coakley was.  You will be world famous for years.

What's important here is that what you are saying makes no sense to me.  I
was asking _how_ to find things.  I haven't "easily found" any information
on white persecution. Was my email to you changed in transit?  PLEASE
VERIFY YOU READ THIS PARAGRAPH, or relate around blockchaining the email to
sort this out.

Below it sounds like we have very different experiences and I haven't
replied much more yet.  It sounds like "black privilege" is a term used to
build fairness in environments where "white privilege" (which is the only
one I've heard) could be stimulating struggle.  Usually we use the phrase
"white privilege" in environments where blacks are struggling; it sounds
like it could have spread to environments where the opposite is true.

> > You mention a black jogger, but not the george floyd video everybody
> > struggled to get recognised this year ... what do you know about the
> george
> > floyd video?
> Every person in the world has seen the George Floyd video until they are
> sick of it.
> George Floyd was wrongfully killed, after engaging in violent acts
> against black and white people, police among them, again and again again
> and again all his life, among them two armed robberies, one of a
> pregnant woman in her home, and getting a slap on the wrist for each of
> his crimes.
> If one keeps getting in fights with authority figures, eventually one of
> them may well wrongfully kill one, but all the other times, they
> wrongfully let him go on his merry way.
> George Floyd wrongfully started a fight with police, while out of his
> mind on drugs.  Police wrongfully ended it - but it happened to him, and
> not to a white man, because George Floyd was out of his mind on a
> cocktail of drugs that might well have killed him if the police did not,
> and which certainly contributed to his death.
> Meanwhile, at the George Floyd protests, many people have been
> wrongfully killed, many innocent people have had their homes and
> businesses burned down, many good men, many of them white, have suffered
> grave injuries.
> The number of black unarmed non felons killed by police is absolutely
> insignificant.  The number of white unarmed non felons killed by police
> is enormously larger, because black privilege means that cops cannot get
> away with doing that to blacks, and can get away with doing that to
> whites.  There is clear and overwhelming discrimination by cops and
> judges against white people.
> If a white man had George Floyd's record, he would not have been killed
> by police because he would still be in jail.
> And if, when he eventually, at long, long, long last, got out of jail,
> he was killed the way George Floyd was killed, no one would notice and
> no one would care.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.


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