Our collective condolences to the (yet to be assessed) hundreds of Lebanese who 
have recently lost their lives.

   'It's Like Hiroshima': Terrifying Seismic Shock From Blast Devastates Beirut

      ... Lebanese Prime Minister says Beirut explosions caused by an estimated 
2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 6 years in a warehouse

<BE WARNED: The following is a RANT, speculation, possibly entirely 
hypothetical postulations of an intense, sad and altogether unfortunate 

There is something remarkably short sighted about the Israelis - they seem to 
imagine that the following are simultaneously true:

 1) That Americans will believe that "securing the Lebanese-Israeli border" is 
the USA's #1 national priority.

 2) That creating such "friendly" relations with __Israel's immediate 
geographical neighbours__, is somehow a good thing.

Go figure, muh j.gger wh.iggers…

And a message to the Lebanese: it seems you may have missed the memo that 
EVERYBODY needs to clean up their back yard.  As in "Are you firetrucking 
serious, you _really_ left 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 6 
years in a warehouse" ???!!?!

Speaking about off your nut, I guess you decided that leaving such low hanging 
fruit around was too much effort to do anything about?

  A note to the entire fricken world, since everybody seems to have missed the 


(2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, in ONE warehouse, in downtown $MAJOR_CITY??  
Please!  This is nothing but negligence of the first order!)

and before you can even say "boo", Trump is running round like an Israeli 
parliamentarian on crack desperately trying to implicate America in "securing 
the Israeli-Lebanese relationship":

   Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind" After 
Briefed By Generals

      .. Trump says military experts tell him Beirut blast a 'bomb of some 

      .. Trump said he had been briefed by “our great generals” and that they 
“seem to feel” that the explosion was not an accident.

      .. "It was a bomb of some kind, yes" — he emphasized when questioned on 

How can such statements of "feeling" be useful on almost any view?  Sometimes 
Trump ought consider that when he speaks WITH HIS GENERALS, perhaps he should 
ACTUALLY ASK THEM what they think might be worth communicating to the public, 
BEFORE communicating with the public.  If he really believes that they are 
"great generals", surely he should seek their advice a little more?  One 
imagines that the generals may finally have had a wake up call that Trump tends 
to tweet out the other ear, what comes in the one ear...  better late than 
never I guess (that the generals realise Trump's nature).

At least both Isreal and Hesbollah seem to be both in agreement _and_ in 
totally unequivocal denial that this was any sort of "security related 

       Israeli military sources tell Israeli 10 News reporter:
       Israel didn't bomb Beirut.
       The explosion did not occur in a Hezbollah weapons depot.
       This was not a security-related event.
           — Elizabeth Tsurkov (@Elizrael) August 4, 2020

There is certainly no doubt that a few thousand tons of "ammonium nitrate left 
unsecured for 6 years" may well have experienced degredation in the storage and 
or electrical cables in the warehouse - on this planet we have these things 
called rats, and mice, and other critters which sometimes gnaw through 
electrical cables (and data cables, and some cables which carry both power and 
data) and cause problems, also vessels (especially metal, but also plastic) can 
have problems too (sufficiently hungry rats do gnaw right through plastic if 
they think there's a chance of food on the other side of that plastic).  Also, 
a piece of degraded metal which falls, may strike other metal and cause a spark.

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