Lebanon is one of General Wesley Clark’s notorious 7 countries in 5 years:


, as Pepe Escobar points out:

   Who Profits from the Beirut Tragedy

along with a surprisingly identical bomb after effect of a new bomb tested by 
Israel in Syria in January 2020:

   Israël détruit Beyrouth-Est avec une arme nouvelle
   par Thierry Meyssan

[in French - see escobar's piece for a summaly in English, but see that link 
for images comparing and showing the high similarity of the blast effects of 
these two bombs]

Speaking of wicked webs...

Lots more datails in the Escobar's "Who profits" article.

On Wed, Aug 05, 2020 at 11:22:09AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> Our collective condolences to the (yet to be assessed) hundreds of Lebanese 
> who have recently lost their lives.
>    'It's Like Hiroshima': Terrifying Seismic Shock From Blast Devastates 
> Beirut
> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/did-nuke-just-go-beirut-terrifying-mystery-blast-shockwave-filmed-over-lebanon
>       ... Lebanese Prime Minister says Beirut explosions caused by an 
> estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 6 years in a 
> warehouse
> <BE WARNED: The following is a RANT, speculation, possibly entirely 
> hypothetical postulations of an intense, sad and altogether unfortunate 
> situation>
> There is something remarkably short sighted about the Israelis - they seem to 
> imagine that the following are simultaneously true:
>  1) That Americans will believe that "securing the Lebanese-Israeli border" 
> is the USA's #1 national priority.
>  2) That creating such "friendly" relations with __Israel's immediate 
> geographical neighbours__, is somehow a good thing.
> Go figure, muh j.gger wh.iggers…
> And a message to the Lebanese: it seems you may have missed the memo that 
> EVERYBODY needs to clean up their back yard.  As in "Are you firetrucking 
> serious, you _really_ left 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 
> 6 years in a warehouse" ???!!?!
> Speaking about off your nut, I guess you decided that leaving such low 
> hanging fruit around was too much effort to do anything about?
>   A note to the entire fricken world, since everybody seems to have missed 
> the memo:
> (2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, in ONE warehouse, in downtown $MAJOR_CITY??  
> Please!  This is nothing but negligence of the first order!)
> and before you can even say "boo", Trump is running round like an Israeli 
> parliamentarian on crack desperately trying to implicate America in "securing 
> the Israeli-Lebanese relationship":
>    Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind" 
> After Briefed By Generals
> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-says-beirut-explosion-attack-bomb-some-kind-after-briefed-generals
>       .. Trump says military experts tell him Beirut blast a 'bomb of some 
> kind'.
>       .. Trump said he had been briefed by “our great generals” and that they 
> “seem to feel” that the explosion was not an accident.
>       .. "It was a bomb of some kind, yes" — he emphasized when questioned on 
> it.
> How can such statements of "feeling" be useful on almost any view?  Sometimes 
> Trump ought consider that when he speaks WITH HIS GENERALS, perhaps he should 
> ACTUALLY ASK THEM what they think might be worth communicating to the public, 
> BEFORE communicating with the public.  If he really believes that they are 
> "great generals", surely he should seek their advice a little more?  One 
> imagines that the generals may finally have had a wake up call that Trump 
> tends to tweet out the other ear, what comes in the one ear...  better late 
> than never I guess (that the generals realise Trump's nature).
> At least both Isreal and Hesbollah seem to be both in agreement _and_ in 
> totally unequivocal denial that this was any sort of "security related 
> incident":
>        Israeli military sources tell Israeli 10 News reporter:
>        Israel didn't bomb Beirut.
>        The explosion did not occur in a Hezbollah weapons depot.
>        This was not a security-related event.
>        https://t.co/hgDXFVxZdH
>            — Elizabeth Tsurkov (@Elizrael) August 4, 2020
> There is certainly no doubt that a few thousand tons of "ammonium nitrate 
> left unsecured for 6 years" may well have experienced degredation in the 
> storage and or electrical cables in the warehouse - on this planet we have 
> these things called rats, and mice, and other critters which sometimes gnaw 
> through electrical cables (and data cables, and some cables which carry both 
> power and data) and cause problems, also vessels (especially metal, but also 
> plastic) can have problems too (sufficiently hungry rats do gnaw right 
> through plastic if they think there's a chance of food on the other side of 
> that plastic).  Also, a piece of degraded metal which falls, may strike other 
> metal and cause a spark.

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