On 2020-08-07 09:54, Karl wrote:
> I'm not sure our emails are reaching the list.  They don't seem to all be
> in the archive.  Maybe we triggered a brief DoS?
> It sounds like you hold a lot of reasons to be very angry around race
> issues.

That is crazy talk.

People who believe things for emotional reasons reveal this by being
wildly out of contact with reality.

Which of us is out of contact with reality?

You believed all manner of fantastic stories, despite the fact that the
mass media has been hungrily searching for these stories for years, and
not finding them.  If every such story the media turns up turns out to
be lie, why would you believe such bunk?

I thought the reason you were unaware of massive shockingly brutal
racist violence in America is that it was unavailable on censored social
media, but when I went looking, there were piles of it, even on YouTube.
 If you are unaware of it, you are lying or willfully self deluded.

Every parent who talks about "Good Schools" is piously lying.  He has
given up on schools teaching anything, and just hopes for a school where
colored kids will not beat up his kids while teachers turn a blind eye.
 What makes a school "good" is the low level of racist violence that
whites and east Asians suffer.

Now they have given up on looking for poster boys, and are just
inventing statistics out of thin air.  According to the New York Times
two thirds of people at emergency are there due to police inflicted
injuries https://copinthehood.com/2020/07/26/history-isnt-bunk-part-1/

I have, unlike most Americans, a privileged existence, which has always
protected me from black predation, but black predation is visible around me.

My only reason for being angry with blacks is that since the riots
tenants are fleeing San Francisco, without notice, and frequently
without a forwarding address.  Probably those tenants have reason to be
angry with blacks,  but are too terrified to show their anger.

> I've received some links from you to duckduckgo, alternative media, and
> archive.is .  Are these what you mean when you say uncensored social media?

No, but when I went looking, I found that the links on uncensored social
media frequently linked to stuff on censored social media, including, to
my considerable astonishment, YouTube.

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