did not mean to pick the first name of mr. may . did not realise. i
don't know so much formal list culture really :S

anyway i was thinking about how to rebuild cypherpunks after all
evidence of what they are has been erased from your memory and the
archives, and i figured, what seems most inhibited. what i came up
with was: teaching everyone to hack into their governments. that seems
like what the suppressions are suppressing the most, for me over here.

so if we needed to rebuild cypherpunks after burning it to the ground,
maybe we could focus on teaching everyone to hack into their
governments, not sure. just basing the idea on what seems hardest and
most suppressed. i imagine for cracking your government you'd need
useful stuff like cryptography, anonymity, etc etc. and then we could
make a utopic free world where technocracies are always weak and
flimsy because they have no security again, and have to be really nice
and kind to everyone to survive.

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