Randos debate merits of one of the crypto vocalizers...
Of course Democrats were never a party offering any 'freedom and liberty',
but what can you really expect from leftist history on the net.

"BTC isn't about Libertarian -- Internet"
Actually it pretty much was, and actual crypto still is.

I agree the dude is a lunatic when you actually listen to what he's
saying. And he wasn't to portray himself as some kind of underdog yet
he comes from one of the most powerful political dynasties in the US.

Mainstream media loves NPCs like you.

Can you name a single thing he's wrong about?

Why is the DNC establishment so terrified of him and trying to censor
him? A federal court ruled in his favor on government censorship, and
the DNC lackeys tried to censor him at a hearing about censorship.

Have you read his NYTimes best seller, "The Real Anthony Fauci"? Why
has no one sued him for that book?

You know he has spent 40 years "successfully" litigating corruption in
large corporations and government agencies? You know that they used to
praise him for his fight against corporate corruption until he started
directly criticizing the establishment?

Why is he winning favorability polls over both Trump and Biden?

The democratic party used to be the party of average americans, the
party of freedom and liberty. The fact that they're turning on a
Kennedy shows what a bunch of fascists they've become.

Listen to this and this and listen to his peace and diplomacy speech


Now go vote Biden or Trump and hate and abuse half the people living
in the country. That's exactly what they want you to do to distract
you from real problems.

    tells parents not to vaccinate their kids

He only said this about Covid vaccine

Can you tell me his position on vaccines? Try listening to his position

Also listen to this starting at around 7:50

The federal government settled a lawsuit conceding that MMR vaccines
contributed to Hannah Poling's autism.

RFK is NOT an anti-vaxxer. He has spent his entire life litigating
corporate and government corruption. His position is vaccines should
be held to the same safety standards as all other medication. Is that

The Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 absolves vaccine manufacturers of all
liabilities for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or

When he was recruited to an advisory role on vaccine policy in 2016,
RFK asked Dr Fauci for documents on placebo controlled pre-licensing
trials. Fauci lied that he'd get them to him and didn't. RFK sued and
then they admitted that no such testing was available for any vaccine.

Have you read RFK's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci"? Why has no one
sued him for it? Fauci said he would debate anybody. Why won't the DNC
media have him on to debate Fauci?

    COVID was genetically engineered to not harm Jewish and Chinese people

This is a scientific fact. It's from an NIH study. No one disputes
variable effects on different ethnicities. If you listen to it in full
he said "we don't know if it was deliberate or not". It's common
knowledge that these bioengineering experiments are happening.

    He claims Ukraine is at fault for having Russia invade the country
and we should just let Putin have his way

    He's not someone I can supper as a Democratic candidate

In his 1963 peace speech, one of the greatest presidential speeches of
all time, John F Kennedy said we should put ourselves in the shoes of
our adversary. This is exactly RFK's message.

At the height of the cold war and Cuban missile crisis, JFK had a
secret line of communication with Khrushchev and brokered peace. The
current president has no diplomacy skills and hasn't tried to
negotiate with either Putin or Xi for years.

What do you want? A nuclear war?

Please listen to RFK's full speech on peace and diplomacy

If American people can be so easily manipulated by mainstream
establishment media to turn on the best candidate we've had for
decades, then all the values the country was founded upon are lost.


And Robert Kennedy has been raising some very valid issues regarding
the current state of the US financial system. You should give his
speeches a listen.

    antivaxx, conspiracy theory lunatic

Can you prove that or are you parroting mainstream establishment media
like a good NPC?

Listen to this and this

Why is the DNC establishment so terrified of him and trying to censor him?

He has successfully litigated corruption in corporations and
government agencies for 40 years. A federal court ruled in his favor
on government censorship, and the DNC lackeys tried to censor him at a
hearing about censorship.

Despite all the censorship by the establishment, why do you think he's
winning favorability polls over both Trump and Biden?

Listen to his peace and diplomacy speech and you'll get an idea why

"A government that can censor its critics has license for every
atrocity. There's never been a time in history when the guys who were
censoring people were the good guys"

    vaccines caused autism

You replied less than 10 minutes after my comment which means you
clearly didn't listen to this

Start listening from 7:50 in that clip. Listen to the frickin Director
of NIH and the inventor of Rotateq vaccine.

You just don't want to hear truth when it's not comforting and you
want a government that censors people they don't like when it exposes

Stop reading mainstream media garbage and actually listen to the guy.
Read all the peer-reviewed scientific studies because he not only
brings receipts for every single claim, he has successfully litigated
500+ cases on those claims.

The fact that no one sued him for his NYTimes best seller "The Real
Anthony Fauci" should tell you everything you need to know. They tried
to censor the book too but it still sold over a million copies.
You don't want to listen to the Director of NIH, the literal inventor
of Rotateq vaccine and the federal government conceding that vaccines
contributed to autism?

That's a good NPC

"I don't want truths. Please tell me what to think, daddy."

    antivaxx bubble

Inability to examine contrary opinions and engage in critical
discourse, instead repeating dumb pejoratives devoid of any cogent
thought are signs of lesser intelligence. Idiocracy was supposed to be
a parody, not a documentary.

    Dr Offit, the man you reference, has thoroughly debunked all the
claims you've listed above

Did you listen to his words?

"You can never say MMR doesn't cause autism. But frankly when you get
in front of the media, you better get used to saying it"

The federal government's department of health and human services
conceded in a lawsuit that Dr Poling's daughter's autism and
cephalopathy seizures were caused by vaccines. Why would they do that
if it's just a conspiracy?

RFK is NOT an anti-vaxxer. That's such a lazy smear and when people
use such pejoratives against someone who has won hundreds of lawsuits
related to corporate and government corruption, any sane-minded person
would immediately reject such intellectually dishonest framings.

He supports vaccines but only wants vaccines to be held to the same
safety standards as all other medication. Is that unreasonable? The
Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 absolves vaccine manufacturers of all
liabilities for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or

He was recruited to an advisory role on vaccine policy in 2016. He
asked Dr Fauci for documents on placebo controlled pre-licensing
trials. Fauci lied that he'd get them to him and didn't. RFK sued and
then they admitted that no such testing was available for any vaccine.

Please listen to this response from RFK and tell me what's wrong with
his position. Fauci said he would debate anybody. Why won't the DNC
media have him on to debate Fauci?

All doctors who recommended therapeutic response to Covid were
censored by the establishment because there's a federal law that
states vaccines should only get emergency use authorization if there
was no existing therapeutic recourse.

Why has no one sued RFK for his NYtimes best seller "The Real Anthony
Fauci" that sold over a million copies despite all efforts to censor
the book?


Nuance may be hard for you, but calling for requirement of same safety
standards for vaccines as other medications is not an anti-vax
position. Currently, there's not a single placebo controlled
pre-licensing trial and Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 absolves vaccine
manufacturers of all liabilities for damages arising from a
vaccine-related injury or death.

I know right, becoming a lawyer sueing every polluter of the hudson
river into oblivion. Sounds way too easy.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democratic presidential candidate, has
revealed that he bought two Bitcoin for each of his seven children.
Kennedy made the decision after facing criticism for promoting Bitcoin
without having any personal investment in it. This is the first time
Kennedy has admitted to owning the cryptocurrency, and it aligns with
a leaked financial disclosure showing his holdings between $100,001
and $250,000 worth of Bitcoin. Kennedy also expressed his support for
backing the U.S. dollar with Bitcoin and making it exempt from capital
gains taxes if he becomes President. He believes Bitcoin can bring
innovation back to America and wants capital gains exemptions to
benefit smaller investors and businesses rather than large companies.

Hopefully he's not doing it solely for the optics and actually takes
time to educate his children about it

Ramaswamy is all up in the crypto podcasts.

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