Biden's Lifetime Office Of Filthy Corrupt Democrat Money...
An American Dynasty of Disgrace...

Biden: Hiding In Plain Sight

Authored by Charles Ortel via American Thinker,

American voters who struggle to enjoy the benefits of “Bidenomics”
understand that Joe Biden and his family likely never earned an honest
living while Joe was senator, vice president, or president.

Now that iconic Democrat Robert Kennedy, Jr. has called for a serious
investigation into suspicious wealth accumulation by the Biden family
during the President’s long career chiefly as a “public servant,” one
might be tempted to get lost in minutiae and go far back over years of
evidence to see whether impeachment and conviction are warranted in

In truth, there is a simpler approach: focus on the strange and
dramatic increase in Joe Biden’s personal fortune from his time as
vice president starting early in the first year of Donald Trump’s
presidency in late January 2017, using tools hiding in plain sight in
the public domain. Begin with the final days of the Obama-Biden
administration. We have yet to learn the complete truth concerning
what was discussed in the Oval Office when a coterie of top officials
including Obama, Biden, and Comey met there on January 5, 2017.

This was only weeks before Donald Trump and Mike Pence took the reins
of the Executive Branch on January 20, 2017. Moreover, Republicans
were destined to take control over the House of Representatives and
the Senate with a clear majority in the former body, and much slimmer
control over the latter. Much might have been lost for key Democrats
and their allies in the bureaucracy, had the incoming Trump
administration enjoyed free rein to direct investigations into
suspicious activities of many in the Obama-Biden administration.
During eight long years while “fundamentally transforming America,”
Barack Obama and others likely had positioned themselves to garner
outsized financial returns in retirement from public service,
following the examples set by Bill and Hillary Clinton from 2001
onwards. With so much at risk and with so many domestic and foreign
challenges and uncertainties swirling, one wonders exactly why Joe
Biden decided to take a brief trip over to Ukraine and to Switzerland
for the World Economic Forum, returning to Washington, D.C. right
before Inauguration Day.

Without doubt, a raft of paper and electronic records exists somewhere
that will eventually shed light upon why Biden needed to spend crucial
last-minute time with principals whom some believe have been
orchestrating financial payments to the Biden family and their
associates using murky means for years. These records, which IRS and
FBI investigators surely considered examining at some point since
2017, remain relevant to any fair inquiry into the Biden family for
monetizing Joe Biden’s influence over key American policies while he
held high elective offices. According to public accounts, Biden and
Obama lunched regularly at the White House to compare notes and
coordinate making progress implementing key policy initiatives.
Perhaps Obama and Biden (who each used alias email accounts while
serving in the White House) marveled at the bold ways in which Hillary
Clinton and her aides operated while she served as Secretary of State,
and as Bill Clinton claimed that he directed affairs of “his”
presidential foundation.

Yet, unlike the Clintons, Biden had little to show financially from
his long career in politics when he departed the vice-presidential

According to detailed information, Joe and Jill Biden declared a total
of $4,122,376 in pretax income on their federal tax returns for tax
years 2001 through 2016 -- this works out to an average of $257,648
annually during the sixteen-year period when he finished his career as
senator and, later, became vice president. Leaving aside, for the
moment, fair questions concerning how Biden managed to sustain living
costs for his large family from his home in Wilmington and also save
for retirement, his years with educator Jill Biden do not appear to
show proven ability to derive investment income, or garner outsized
compensation. Yet, things were to change dramatically and for the
better, days following the beginning of the Trump-Pence

Trump and Pence inherited a stumbling economy after the anemic
Obama-Biden recovery and the disastrous final years of the Bush-Cheney
administration. According to data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey
put out by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top ten percent
of households in America saw their pretax incomes decline 8.3 % from
$269,644 (on average) in 2016 to $247,174 (on average) in 2017.

In stark contrast, Joe and Jill Biden saw their pretax income climb
from $338,464 in 2016 to a whopping $9,578,639 in 2017 -- an amount
that was more than 28 times Biden pretax income for the prior year and
more than twice, in just one year, total Biden pretax income for a 16
year period from 2001 through 2016.

What accounted for this enormous Biden family windfall in a single
year, when even the top 10% of American households suffered pronounced
declines in their pretax incomes? Initial answers found in Biden tax
returns warrant further inquiry, including whether the IRS line agents
trying to investigate suspicious Hunter Biden activities were
restricted in plowing what appears now to be fertile ground in his
father’s joint tax filings for 2017. Buried back on page 23 of a
103-page tax filing for 2017, we learn that two subchapter S
corporations, each formed in 2017, somehow managed to send more than
$10 million dollars together in their first partial years of
operation, to the Bidens.

The first entity -- CelticCapri Corp -- generated $9,490,857 for the
Bidens in just eleven months of existence during 2017. This total
amount is more than $860,000 per month, which represents a heroic if
not completely unbelievable result for a start-up. What products or
services did CelticCapri provide? Who else was involved operating this
business? How were other participants compensated? And, what
pre-formation actions were taken before late January 2017, when
CelticCapri was formally organized in Delaware? The second entity --
Giacoppa Corp -- made $557,882 for the Bidens in nine and one-half
months, or more than $58,000 per month in a start-up year and the same
sorts of questions raised about CelticCapri should be answered about
Giacoppa. The American people deserve to understand why the IRS, FBI,
and Department of Justice rarely target difficult-to-explain
wealth-building by dynastic political families such as the Bidens and
Clintons, but mount furious assaults against families like Donald
Trump’s which built outsized wealth for decades, well before entering
politics. Let truly serious investigations begin.

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