Didn't Cypherpunks say they had a solution for all this...

"A Digital ID, but only for Politicians, and it tracks who
they meet with, and who they take money from.
-- Sal the Agorist"

"The Problem isn't a lack of money, food, water, or land...
the Problem is that you've given control of these things
to a group of greedy psychopaths who care more about
maintaining their own power than helping mankind. -- Bill Hicks"

"Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking children.
A judge refuses to release the list of who she sold them to.
Up until the list is released, we have only one conclusion:
All of them are on it. Every last damned billionaire, prince,
and politician. Have a nice day. -- Prof Zenkus"

"We should be the ones knowing everything about the Government,
not the other way around. We are private citizens, they are public servants.
We pay them in the form of (insanely high) taxes, yet they treat us like
potential criminals who need to be monitored 24/7. Why accept that? -- EvaVlaar"

"Remember when half a dozen senators committed insider
trading and profited of a manufactured pandemic, and 24 hours
later everyone forgot about it, just pretended it never happened."

"Athletes are prohibited from betting on games. Why? Because
they could bet on their own game, then purposely lose or alter
the outcome of a play. This is EXACTLY why politicians should
be prohibited from trading stock. Because they legislate to enrich
themselves or their donors. -- FunkeyMonkey83"

"This 97yo woman was a 14yo typist in WWII, this isn't justice, it's
PR. -- @dwnews @dispropoganda"

"I love that the mainstream media position is "Yes, the CIA did bad
things in the 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 2000s, but nobody was ever
prosecuted and there were no reforms, so now they don't do bad things
today, you conspiracy theorist!""

"Disney, Duck Tales, Se2 Ep23: "Ask about Illuminati!""

"What would happen if the Left and Right united, went to Washington
DC, 10 million strong, and peacefully protested our own corrupt
parties who hate us and demanded 4 year Term Limits for Congress, Ban
All Lobbying from anyone including corporations, NGOs, or
billionaires, abolish the Federal Reserve"

The Pentagon failed its fifth-ever audit, unable to account for more
than 61% of its $3.5 TRILLION in assets --- If you don't report $601
dollars of Etsy sales the IRS will come after you.

We are being ruled by octogenarians at deaths door who don’t give a
fuck about us

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