Hunter selling Daddy Joe's TOP-SECRET to Chinese
out of Corvette Whore House

White House Spox Lies, Has Meltdown Over Hunter Biden's $260K Chinese Wires

In the wake of yesterday's announcement by the House Oversight
Committee that Hunter Biden used his dad's Delaware address - the one
with all those classified documents - to receive $260,000 in Chinese
wires, White House spokesman for 'oversight and investigations' Ian
Sams had an absolute meltdown.

The damage control has laughably gone from 'Joe never discussed
business with Hunter' to 'so what if Hunter received a Chinese wire
transfer at his Dad's house. Can't a SON love his Father?"

Sams was responding to Fast Company journalist James Surowiecki, who
posted on "X" "This is such a fake would-be gotcha. The address on the
wires was Joe Biden's Wilmington home because that's where Hunter
Biden was living in 2019 - as Comer well knows."

No he wasn't...

Sams repeats this lie, tweeting: "Imagine them arguing that, if
someone stayed at their parents' house during the pandemic, listed it
as their permanent address for work, and got a paycheck, the parents
somehow also worked for the employer."

    Imagine them arguing that, if someone stayed at their parents'
house during the pandemic, listed it as their permanent address for
work, and got a paycheck, the parents somehow also worked for the

    It's bananas

    Yet this is what extreme House Republicans have sunken to
    — Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 27, 2023

Except, Hunter was living in California with his new wife...
Hunter and wife spotted in Los Angeles, Dec. 2019

    Hunter didn't even live there back then. He was in California with
his new wife. Pretty sure that's literal public knowledge.
    — Vivek (@VerverkS) September 27, 2023


The lie was called out by the Daily Caller's James Lynch, who wrote:
"White House spox is straight up lying. Hunter wasn't staying at his
parents' house, he was living in California when the Chinese business
associates sent their payments with Joe Biden's address on them,
according to Hunter's failed guilty plea."

To which Sams doubled down with an ad hominem attack, writing "What’s
dishonest is you, your rightwing disinformation outfit, and its GOP
pals intentionally deceiving people about the role of the address.

"Hunter listing his parents’ as his only permanent address during this
period of turmoil in his life has long been known. Have a good one."

    What’s dishonest is you, your rightwing disinformation outfit, and
its GOP pals intentionally deceiving people about the role of the
address. Hunter listing his parents’ as his only permanent address
during this period of turmoil in his life has long been known. Have a
good one.
    — Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 27, 2023

The conversation continued, with Sams - apparently unaware of what an
analogy is, suggesting he used one.
    — Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 27, 2023

Journalist Stephen Miller called Sams out on his lie about Hunter
living there "during the pandemic."

    Someone was definitely on the phone with Hunter's
    — Junior (@Jxynor) September 27, 2023

They really aren't sending their best.

    We've gone from 'There isn't an ounce of evidence' to 'hundreds of
thousands of dollars were wired from overseas, with President's
address as the documented address of the recipient' and Dems have not
changed their opinions one bit, even though evidence has dramatically
    — Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) September 27, 2023

    Bottom line - payment from China went to Joe Biden's address.
Can't say he knew nothing of it.

    If those same payments were sent to a Trump or even Trump-adjacent
address, Trump would already be tried, convicted and jailed.

    So you can zoom in on silly details, but the situation,…
    — Jenn Cheng (@THATJennCheng) September 27, 2023

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