after significant attempts at meetings getting disrupted by emerging torturers 
and such triggered by rebel organisation,

a worker stumbled on a torturer meeting, held as if in mock of the worker 

it turned out that the torturers were keeping the meeting energy around and 
holding their own meetings afterward

soon, attendees at the normal meetings would stick around, curious, for the 
torturer meetings after the normal meetings were disrupted.

but the meetings were not pleasant. they were all things like "where the fuck is boss?" 
and "why the fuck would you put your brains in prison? what are you supposed to do then?"

a rebel-torturer mentioned aside to a worker, "they're actually talking about the 
same things we are, or trying to. they have to speak a double language where everything 
they say is in support of boss, because of the extremeness of their mind control"
worker, "ohhhhh ... !"

torturer calls rebel-torturer out. "hey, what the fuck do you think you're talking 
torturer 2: "we are not rebels! we do not speak a double language!"
torturer 3: "definitely not!"
torturer: "now we all have to talk in chicken clucks after this guy said this."

the meeting proceeded with everybody speaking in emphatic clucks. "cluck. cluck cluck, boss? 
cluck torturer! cluck meeting. cluck cluck cluck cluck!" "cluck lcluck cluck cluck!"

rebel-torturer lookd at worker knowingly

later in the normal meeting, the torturers continued to express their 
disruption the of the meeting using only cluck noises

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