John Young wrote:

> Aimee Farr spun:

I spin, you lyre.

> >Finally, the law has an impressive track record, in stark contrast to
> >'crypto-anarchy.'

This caught me a nudder fish. I'm going into my reinforced steel shark cage,
'cause this tells Mr. Big Fish could be behind him.... (Tim is like those
three sharks with memory in that Deep Blue Sea movie.)

> So law proponents ever adversarial, no matter the facts. Homework
> on the exegesis of cryptoanarchy would demonstrate otherwise:
> it is law (and its siamese twin, order) which appears whereever
> cryptoanarchy rises to prominence in a people -- L&O a perfect
> means to strenghening strangleholds.

AND ALL THINGS ESTABLISHMENT. You guys keep denying my petition to withdraw,
wanting somebody to fight with.

> Opposition to organized control of law and order is timeless,
> spaceless. Time and space a conceit of L&O in the scientific
> realm.
> Opposition to government is timeless and spaceless, or was
> until the notion of imperial full employment was concocted,
> imperialism coming to America during WW2. And now more
> people work for government in the US than in any other nation
> today, and most others of the citizenry get a piece of the dole
> in one way or the other.

> That does not mean there is not considerable anti-government
> sentiment among the govs beneficiaries, perhaps the most
> vociferous of gov critics are those who know it from the inside.
> This interior dissent, too, is bred by imperialism, with it incessant
> interior struggle among it beneficiaries.
> It is no accident that cypherpunks was founded by and is fed by
> dissident beneficiaries of government largesse and protection
> from bad, bad people who give shit not for L&O in any disguise.
> National defense education, with it emphasis on training an
> elite citizenry, has produced thousands of Jim and Jane Bells
> still searching for what was promised the smart guys if they just
> abided the rules. Their promisers chuckling at the bright-eyed
> idiots who never knew what it was like to survive under
> oldtime cryptoanarchy -- when keeping secrets from the
> day's tax criminals was the highest accomplishment --
> especially the rats in their midst whispering rules of right
> and wrong, what history proved and didn't, who was
> first and who is clueless.
> Me, I'm an immortal, got medical and preaching licenses to
> prove it, in the name of Anonymous, awarded by Anonymous.
> Teller lied, the NYT says, it was a young physicist who
> designed the H-bomb, the very one who later became
> a fierce opponent of nuclear weapons. A rat.

John Young The Pied Piper - rats, and more rats, and rats, even rats in
hats, rats pretending to be other rats, rats pretending to be one rat.
Lions, Tigers, & Rats...oh, my! John Young.

Attorney for Global Law & Order, under duress
"...needs raidin'..."

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