Tim May wrote:

>On Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 09:21 AM, Bill Stewart wrote:
>>Perhaps the field has changed since I was in college, but back then,
>>academic econometrics had the reputation of being dominated by Marxists -
>>. . .
>I'll provide a data point about what corporations want: they 
>hire a _lot_ of MBAs, but not a lot of "economists." Sure, 
>MBAs have to complete a series of econ courses, probably based 
>on Samuelson and the various micro- and macro-econ courses, 
>but mostly corporations are seeking those with tools to manage 
>businesses, markets, product lines, etc. Classical economics is not a focus.
>And as Bill said in another post, Samuelson generated a very 
>big book mainly (it seems) to sell more copies. Sort of like 
>similar big books in molecular biology and organic chemistry.
>--Tim May

Much of Microsoft's and Intel's profits of last year were from 
investment income, not from selling product. You really think a 
startup MBA and an Intel MBA get together, believe each other's 
line of bullshit and do a deal? Fucken grow up. A trillion 
dollars a day sloshes around in currency market transactions, 
every day. MBAs again, I'm sure. Best of all, corporate 
planning is not central planning. What a fucken laugh!

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