1921 -- Russia: Specially selected forces of the Red Army
(commanded by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Field
Marshal Leon Trotsky) opens fire on the forts of Kronstadt.
Trotsky: "One can't make an omelette
without breaking eggs"
Voline: "I see the broken eggs -- now
where's this omelette of yours?"
A number of articles on the Russian Revolution,
1921 -- Russia: As Trotsky orders the artillery bombardment
of Krondstadt, Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman, feeling
that their last tie to the Bolsheviks has been broken, decide to
leave Russia & alert the world to what they have witnessed.
Berkman writes The Bolshevik Myth & help Emma with
her book, My Disillusionment in Russia (1923).
They shall rise up heroes, there will be many,
None will prevail against them at last.
They go saying each: "I am one of many";
Their hands empty save for history.
They die at bridges, bridge gates, and
drawbridges . . .
— Kenneth Rexroth,
"From the Paris Commune to the Kronstadt
Rebellion" (1936)

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