I am sure you will be surprise to read this from me having not met me before. I 
decided to contact you via e-mail after concluding that there is no other way to reach 
you as I got your contact through an international internet business directory in 
Abuja-Nigeria. I am the Deputy Director of Approvals and Appraisals OF THE FEDERAL 
MINISTRY OF AVIATION. I have been priviledged to head the Contract Awarding Committee 
of THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF AVIATION (FMA) for the past Six(6) years now.
I am on a five months course here in Holland. Myself and my other colleagues have 
carefully mapped out the sum of Thirteen Million, Two Hundred And Sixty Thousand 
United States Dollars(US$13,260,000) only which was received from contracts and 
commissions we awarded to some foreign firms for supply and installation of Airport 
Equipment. With our position as Directors, we were able to ask the foreign firms to 
over invoice the contract by 10% to enable us get our money on request from the 
Central Bank of Nigeria. This idea came as a result of the fact that as Civil Servants 
here in Nigeria, we are not allowed to operate an offshore account. Therefore, we 
decided to look for a reliable and trustworthy partner to whom we can remit these 
funds into his private or company's account, hence my contacting you.
For the numerous assistance you are going to provide, you will be entitled to 35% of 
the total amount,60% will be for us while 5% has been set aside for expenses that will 
be incurred in the course of this transaction. To effectively and officially get these 
funds transferred into your personal or Company's account, would require the following;
1.Bank name and Address
2.Name of Beneficiary
3 Company Name and Address
4. Account Number.
5. Confidential Telephone and Fax number of Beneficiary.
In order to avoid delay, please get in touch with me immediately via my e-mail address 
for immediate action to commence and hopefully, we must get these funds into your 
account within a few working days. Please contact me immediately as we cannot afford 
to waste much time in this strictly risk free transaction.
We need to comply with the present democratic government in Nigeria that has 
instructed us to pay immediately all debts and outstanding payments of all foreign 
firms. While thanking you for your anticipated cooperation, I await your immediate 
Engr. William Okokobioko


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